Re: NEW member Suitable conversions?
Posted by
on 2000-02-17 08:50:01 UTC
>Thanks to all who responded, I didn't reply to everyone just to keep
> From: Jon Elson <jmelson@...>
> "D.F.S." wrote:
the volume of mail reasonable.
> The table motion should be called X and Y, and the glue dispensingThanks.
> head's motion should be Z.
> That will make it most compatible with software that will produceIt is minor point, I was not clear on to begin with.
> coordinates for the glue dots.
This thing WAS a glue dispenser.
I intend to use it as a general purpose light mill, and
to plot and drill circuit boards.
This is kind of a bootstrap type situation.
Building tools to build tools to build something else yet to be
determined. Maybe I'll never get to the building "Something" part ;-).
> > Does this sound reasonable?Good, I was hoping it would be.
> > Any red flags or problems at the outset on making something like this
> > work?
> No, it sounds fairly straightforward.
> > This may be too general of a question, but how are such motorsHowever they are encoded, it is internal to the motors,
> > "Usually" encoded to determine rotation?
> No specific type is 'usual'. There could be linear or rotary inductosyn
> transducers, rotary or linear
> optical encoders, or something else. The rotary type could be inside
> the motor, or external.
> There may also be a DC tachometer.
I should have stated that.
The only thing on the ways are a dozen limit switches.
> > The motor controllers appear to be somewhat modular, and may beGreat, I'll have to look into that.
> > usable seperate from the rest of the controller.
> Yes, except on the latest controls, the servo amps were pretty much
> separate
> modules, with very simple and pretty standard interfacing to the CNC.
> +/- 10 V analog DC was the most common standard for velocity command.
> > How good would EMC be at running a lathe?I'll have to look into that.
> > Everyone seems to be dealing in mills.
> Well, I'm pretty sure about 2 years ago, a turning center was set up
> with a much
> earlier version of EMC, and it DID do threading, so EMC knows how to
> handle a spindle encoder - or at least it still should.
> Other than that, the only difference is to be able to display the X
> position as radius or diameter, which could be completely handled
> in the user interface. Otherwise, there is no difference in the RS-274
> commands or the motion planning.
> One other thing, on electronically variable speed spindles you might
> want to have spindle speed controlled by X position, to maintain
> constant surface speed. That is not currently implemented, I don't
> think. It should not be hard, however.
The current motor only have 4 speeds, 900, 1800, 2700, 3600 if I recall.
it was clearly designed for carbide tools and small diam parts.
I do have a 7 HP DC motor I picked up with plans to use as a new spinde
motor, if necessary.
The part I'm still at a loss on, is how to do "Tool Changes".
With this type of lathe all the tools for a given project are bolted
down to the table.
(Lousy Ascii Art)
| X |
| XXXX Tool 1 Tool 4 |
| |
| |
|XXXX Tool 2 |
| |
| |
|XXXXXXXXXX Tool 3 (Drill) |
| |
| |
| X |
| XXXXX Tool 5 |
| |
How could the system intelligenty do a "Tool Change" without simply
making me do absolute positioning of the entire table based on presumed
tool location.
I'd like to be able to go back to an old G code file and make a new part
months later.
I REALLY like to be able to set the tooling up in about the same locations,
and recalibrate the system on a tool-by-tool basis, rather than trying to
bold every single tool back in an exact location down to the ten-thousanths
or have a new part that is out of whack.
Is this something the system can do with tool offsets? or is this more
complicated than that?
Discussion Thread
2000-02-16 11:31:39 UTC
Re: NEW member Suitable conversions?
Tim Goldstein
2000-02-16 11:52:14 UTC
Re: NEW member Suitable conversions?
Jon Elson
2000-02-16 21:32:02 UTC
Re: NEW member Suitable conversions?
2000-02-17 08:50:01 UTC
Re: NEW member Suitable conversions?
Matt Shaver
2000-02-17 11:35:58 UTC
Re: NEW member Suitable conversions?
2000-02-17 13:18:29 UTC
Re: NEW member Suitable conversions?
Fred Smith
2000-02-17 14:21:45 UTC
Re: NEW member Suitable conversions?
Paul Corner
2000-02-17 13:53:38 UTC
Re: NEW member Suitable conversions?
Matt Shaver
2000-02-17 15:08:24 UTC
Re: NEW member Suitable conversions?
Tim Goldstein
2000-02-17 15:48:04 UTC
Re: NEW member Suitable conversions?
Fred Smith
2000-02-17 16:22:43 UTC
Re: NEW member Suitable conversions?
2000-02-17 18:29:43 UTC
Re: NEW member Suitable conversions?
2000-02-18 09:43:06 UTC
Re: NEW member Suitable conversions?
2000-02-18 13:04:24 UTC
Re: NEW member Suitable conversions?
2000-02-18 14:19:41 UTC
Re: NEW member Suitable conversions?
2000-02-18 16:05:58 UTC
Re: NEW member Suitable conversions?
2000-02-18 16:05:58 UTC
Re: NEW member Suitable conversions?
Jon Elson
2000-02-18 21:22:35 UTC
Re: NEW member Suitable conversions?
2000-02-18 22:18:48 UTC
Re: NEW member Suitable conversions?