CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive


on 2003-03-03 07:03:43 UTC
I'd say thanks to Jon and Ray Henry for their replies
This linux platform is very new for me, from the programming aspects.
I've experience of programming in C,assembly, java and vb on windows
and 8051 platforms
I have just started diging into tcl/tk, and have started to undertand
makefiles and their use.
I'd request people to guide me what should be my path in learning
to program and cutomize EMC. my target at the moment is to implement
the tool changer for emc

Best regards

--- In, Ray Henry <rehenry@u...>
> >    From: "Asim Khan <asimtec@y...>" <asimtec@y...>
> > Subject: Re: TOOL CHANGER , EMC AND STG2
> >
> > Thanks Jon
> > I'd say bingo if someone could explain a bit how these too many
> > source files are arranged in emc those access the input and output
> > ports at the lpt and the STG card. Specifically if someone could
> > explain me the calling tree of these various functions present in
> > emc source archives.
> > I've seen tkio.tcl which seems to contains the wrapper functions
> > tool change but!
> > is another source file which too contains some
> > fucntions for tool changer perhaps!
> Hi @sim
> I'm not absolutely certain that there are "too many" source files
> there. There are lots of them. The runtime modules and programs
> built from them using the normal "make" approach.
> The toplevel make resides in emc/src. It takes certain variables
> the command line and from a set of define files that reside in
> emc/scripts and builds a set of intermediate source and object
files in
> the emc/plat/ directories. From there it compiles and links it all
> together for any one of several os's and machines.
> This does not take account of the rcslib stuff which must be there
> the emc is compiled.
> Yes, if you are thinking intel or intel clone/relative and linux
> with a specific realtime patch, running a cartesian mill on a stand
> PC, then there are more files than you need. But then the "make"
> out what you don't need for your specific setup.
> Now let me get back to the CAD_CAM... part of this post. You can
> easily write a tool changer file for the EMC. This involves two
> programs. The first is bridgeporttask. This task controller has
> logic necessary in it to recognise, schedule, and move forward the
> change commands. The second program is some sort of io program
> bridgeport io or the combination of iosh and tkio.
> I've written a couple of tool changer IO programs here with iosh
> tkio. The file iosh connects all of the NML (Neutral Messaging
> words needed for a tool changer to the tickle programming
language. Once
> into that language, you can write normal switch, if, for, and while
> commands to sort out the logic of what your tool changer is doing
> read or touch the pins of a parport or DIO card with the logic
needed to
> run solenoids, motors, and such.
> Iosh passes all of the tool commands from the interpreter and task
> to tkio. These include tool prep commands in case your changer
> for hiving or intermediate storage of tools. It also does the work
> pausing the EMC until the tool change command is complete.
> Bridgeportio works the same way only it connects directly to the
NML and
> is written in C or C++.
> Hope this helps
> Ray

Discussion Thread

Asim Khan <asimtec@y... 2003-02-24 07:19:39 UTC TOOL CHANGER , EMC AND STG2 Jon Elson 2003-02-24 10:23:47 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] TOOL CHANGER , EMC AND STG2 Asim Khan <asimtec@y... 2003-02-26 21:50:50 UTC Re: TOOL CHANGER , EMC AND STG2 Ray Henry 2003-02-27 11:54:19 UTC Re: Re: TOOL CHANGER , EMC AND STG2 Asim Khan <asimtec@y... 2003-03-03 07:03:43 UTC Re: TOOL CHANGER , EMC AND STG2 Ray Henry 2003-03-03 16:24:46 UTC Re: Re: TOOL CHANGER , EMC AND STG2