CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Parallel port isolation

on 2000-07-20 14:20:47 UTC

Did you publish the "wonderboard project" I'd be curious to see what it
was. I currently use a buffer/isolator box I found at a surplus haunt
of mine.

I've designed A/D interfaces and stepper controllers that use the
parallel port; but I too, do not have any PCB layout skills/software
(yes, I've seen some free layout software, no time!).

I can relate to the *NEED* for isolation, I fried an expensive stepper
driver, stepper controller IC (CY525 uP), parallel interface card and
one or two power supplies when I failed to notice that kids (cat?) had
knocked one power supply into another, and it shorted stuff out when I
powered it up (OK, my fault, it was all on the floor of my office).


Doug Harrison wrote:
> Ron;
> I believe you are referring to the wonderboard project, for which I am
> responsible. My original goal was to build a parallel port isolation board
> for interfacing with CNCPro. I acquired much help from members of the list
> in sorting out the details. The one detail I haven't sorted out is how to
> get time to build a prototype. Of course, it doesn't help that I know squat
> about PCB layout.
> I have purchased all the parts to build two boards and have sketched what I
> think the board should look like. I just don't have time to build it.
> Here's an offer. I'll supply the parts and pay someone $300 if they will do
> the board layout and testing. I'll foot the bill for a production run of
> 20-50 bare boards. My only restrictions are:
> 1. The final design must conform, at a minimum, to my original design
> criteria.
> 2. I get reimbursed for my cost on any boards that list members wish to
> purchase. I'll keep whatever the list members don't want. Based on the
> inquiries I had off list when we were discussing this, there should be
> little problem getting rid of 20-30 boards right away.
> Doug Yeager, if you are there, this board might boost your sales. I would
> be more than happy to leave the extra boards with you, since you are set up
> for credit cards. We can work out the details as it suits you.
> Yes, I know $300 is not much to do a board layout. I'm not doing this one
> for profit either, and that is why the darn thing is still a dream. My
> occupation won't allow me the liberty of hobbies right now.
> Well, any takers?
> Doug Harrison
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Ron Ginger <ginger@...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 1:20 PM
> Subject: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Parallel port isolation
> > A while back there was a lot of discussion here about building a module
> > to isolate a PC parallel port. Did any thing ever come form that? I
> > recall someone was going to offer a board for this.
> >
> > What I want is a little box to plug into the PC, maybe on a short cable
> > or direct into the back of the PC, and have screw terminals on it for me
> > to hookup to my driver board. Anyone build such a box.
> >
> > ron
> >
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Discussion Thread

Harrison, Doug 1999-11-22 12:45:35 UTC Parallel port isolation hansw 1999-11-22 13:20:02 UTC Re: Parallel port isolation Bob Campbell 1999-11-22 16:46:46 UTC Re: Parallel port isolation Harrison, Doug 1999-11-22 14:39:17 UTC RE: Parallel port isolation hansw 1999-11-22 15:18:34 UTC Re: Parallel port isolation Harrison, Doug 1999-11-22 15:58:38 UTC RE: Parallel port isolation PTENGIN@x... 1999-11-22 17:04:50 UTC Re: Parallel port isolation hansw 1999-11-22 17:49:53 UTC Re: Parallel port isolation Harrison, Doug 1999-11-23 04:52:54 UTC RE: Parallel port isolation Harrison, Doug 1999-11-23 05:36:02 UTC RE: Parallel port isolation hansw 1999-11-23 06:04:22 UTC Re: Parallel port isolation JanRwl@x... 1999-11-23 17:45:48 UTC Re: Parallel port isolation Ron Ginger 2000-07-20 10:19:06 UTC Parallel port isolation Alan Marconett KM6VV 2000-07-20 14:20:47 UTC Re: Parallel port isolation