Re: Newbie question on getting started
Posted by
Graham Stabler
on 2007-05-10 08:24:55 UTC
--- In, "David G. LeVine"
<dlevine@...> wrote:
about limit switches and spindle/coolant control? And co-ordinated moves.
I'd say have a read and a play with the serial because it will be fun
to see the thing move, you could also use it as is for co-ordinate
<dlevine@...> wrote:
>I don't think there is any chance they will respond to g-code and what
> Don't assume that an RS-232 interface means a swap-out. See what the
> protocol is, if it is just G-code, you don't even need something like
> Mach, EMC, etc., just a post processor (to take care of any oddities)
> and something like Hyperterm. BEWARE: NGC style G-code is different
> from D style G-code.
> David G. LeVine
> Nashua, NH 03060
about limit switches and spindle/coolant control? And co-ordinated moves.
I'd say have a read and a play with the serial because it will be fun
to see the thing move, you could also use it as is for co-ordinate
Discussion Thread
2007-05-09 18:37:23 UTC
Newbie question on getting started
Paul Kelly
2007-05-09 18:57:55 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Newbie question on getting started
Graham Stabler
2007-05-10 01:21:22 UTC
Re: Newbie question on getting started
2007-05-10 04:45:11 UTC
Re: Newbie question on getting started
Graham Stabler
2007-05-10 04:53:13 UTC
Re: Newbie question on getting started
2007-05-10 07:15:17 UTC
Re: Newbie question on getting started
David G. LeVine
2007-05-10 08:11:31 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Newbie question on getting started
Alan KM6VV
2007-05-10 08:13:53 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Newbie question on getting started
Graham Stabler
2007-05-10 08:15:40 UTC
Re: Newbie question on getting started
Graham Stabler
2007-05-10 08:24:55 UTC
Re: Newbie question on getting started
2007-05-10 09:08:26 UTC
Re: Newbie question on getting started
2007-05-10 18:49:36 UTC
Re: Newbie question on getting started