CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] FaceGen software conversion to CNC

Posted by Jon Elson
on 2009-02-22 22:21:50 UTC
George Williamson wrote:
> Has anyone done a conversion to get a photograph of a human face (not a
> 3D laser scan) into a suitable transfer software program to run on a
> CNC machine?
> If so, what format did you use and what was the reproductive quality of
> the finished item?
You just want light and dark on the single image to convert to high and
low spots on the machined part?
That is fairly easy, others can answer with specifics.

I was interested in carving real busts of people, like maybe making a
flea market booth type of business,
the customer comes by, sits for a couple photos, then the machine cuts
out their face, and they come back in an hour to pick up their own
little statue. Sounded like a real money maker. I contacted an outfit
that sold software to do the mulitple photos to 3-D point cloud
conversion, and they admitted the beautiful point cloud they had on
their web page required 8 hours of touch-up by a 3-D modelling expert
before it was ready to cut! OOPS! Glad I asked first. They said their
software worked real well on photos of the local post office building,

This was a few years ago, so the software technology may have improved
by then.


Discussion Thread

George Williamson 2009-02-22 21:09:10 UTC FaceGen software conversion to CNC Jon Elson 2009-02-22 22:21:50 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] FaceGen software conversion to CNC Tony Smith 2009-02-23 02:18:08 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] FaceGen software conversion to CNC R Wink 2009-02-23 04:03:50 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] FaceGen software conversion to CNC Bob Campbell 2009-02-23 08:42:38 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] FaceGen software conversion to CNC Mike 2009-02-23 09:32:05 UTC Re: FaceGen software conversion to CNC Brian Worth 2009-02-24 16:59:27 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] FaceGen software conversion to CNC George Williamson 2009-02-24 19:26:18 UTC Re: FaceGen software conversion to CNC