CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Looking for a quick change style holder

Posted by ballendo@y...
on 2001-04-24 04:03:13 UTC

The one I was speaking of is at:

But it is 99.99 (so much for thinking it was the cheap one. Must've
been specially priced at the store where I saw it)

You can *just* make out the design in the pic... There is a bolt
across a slot which "closes down" the dovetail(s). 2 position. Very
simple, and physically smaller than the one at the link re-posted

Hope this helps.


> Check this toolholder out:
> search for item number: 39083
> -Lee

Discussion Thread

Drew Rogge 2001-04-23 11:07:16 UTC Looking for a quick change style holder ballendo@y... 2001-04-23 11:54:16 UTC Re: Looking for a quick change style holder Smoke 2001-04-23 14:57:36 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Looking for a quick change style holder Drew Rogge 2001-04-23 15:00:33 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Looking for a quick change style holder indigo_red@q... 2001-04-23 17:24:34 UTC Re: Looking for a quick change style holder indigo_red@q... 2001-04-23 17:26:53 UTC Re: Looking for a quick change style holder Jerry Kimberlin 2001-04-23 17:59:22 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Looking for a quick change style holder ballendo@y... 2001-04-24 03:46:56 UTC Re: Looking for a quick change style holder ballendo@y... 2001-04-24 04:03:13 UTC Re: Looking for a quick change style holder Gail & Bryan Harries 2001-04-24 10:03:38 UTC RE:Looking for a quick change style holder Drew Rogge 2001-04-24 10:17:30 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Looking for a quick change style holder ballendo@y... 2001-04-24 18:39:37 UTC RE: re:Re: Looking for a quick change style holder Smoke 2001-04-24 18:59:51 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] RE: re:Re: Looking for a quick change style holder