CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Distributor CO-Op? Was Re: Smart Motor hopes dashed

Posted by aspaguy
on 2002-01-30 19:21:39 UTC
Bill, Anything is open for suggestions, but as I understand it, a
merchant account would mean we would have to have a bank account
which means a treasurer which means possibility for wrongdoing or
suspicion thereof. With a paypal, billpay or similar situation, the
money could go directly from the purchaser to the selling company, no
need for the group to handle the money. I could be way off here so
all input is welcome. I just got a spark of an Idea and thought I'd
trow it out there and see if the collective could help make it
something great.

--- In CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO@y..., Bill Vance <ccq@x> wrote:
> Why not get a merchant account, and deal in plastic, (credit
cards)? It'd ber a
> lot simpler.....
> Bill
> On Tue Jan 29 21:27:15 2002, aspaguy, <spaguy@l...> wrote:
> > This unfortunate situation begs for a solution. In our great
> >countries history, the American Farmer had much the same problem
> >buying supplies. Middlemen made the products to costly for the
> >farm. Groups of farmers banded together to form Co-op stores where
> >the groups buying power was stronger than the individuals. It
> >seem to me That a group of 2000 hobbiests should be able to create
> >some pretty good buying power. This obviously would require some
> >thought and input from various members to create a co-op hobbiest
> >distributorship, but the benifit of group purchasing power could
> >terrific. Not only could it benefit price wise, but, engineering
> >wise, many companies might be more helpful in creating solutions
> >a market of 2000 than for an individual.
> > This concept would probably require an individual to act as a
> >purchasing agent for the group. this person would theoreticly not
> >actually purchase anything, but rather set up "accounts" for the
> >group. Possibly, we could use something such as paypal to handle
> >cash flow to the suppliers but we would need to order through the
> >group to realize the benefits of the group and to increase it's
> >purchasing power. The individual selected as a "purchasing agent"
> >would need to be experienced in the field so as not to frustrate
> >suppliers with newby stuff, after all, if they had time for that,
> >they wouldn't be using distributors in the first place. This
> >require a considerable effort on that persons time, time that
> >individual might not have.
> > Well, if this Idea sounds good to anyone out there then lets
> >brainstorm it a bit. If not then I guess we can let it die like
> >Methadras' s smart moter project.
> >Thanks,


> > -
> >In CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO@y..., "methadras" <aymani@a...> wrote:
> >> in recounting to you guys the wonderfulness (is that a real
> >word...?)
> >> of smart motors and me deciding to go with them as my solution
to a
> >> cnc retrofit, i finally decided to call them and place an
> >> well, when i called animatics for a quote they shuffled me off
to a
> >> distributor near me (i personally hate the distributorship model
> >> sales), so i called the distributor and for the 625 oz-in. mid-
> >> nema34 motor, i was quoted $1500 per motor!!! with the smallest
> >(aka
> >> weakest) motors starting at $500...
> >>
> >> sakes alive, i about wet myself when i heard that price... and i
> >> became instantly disheartened at the hopes that a simplistic
> >solution
> >> to my cnc retrofit was crushed by the daunting price per
motor... i
> >> personally think that those prices are outrageous for any motors
> >> actually, but hey, that's just me... don't some of these
> >> know that they can have a large potential hobbiest market out
> >> if they charged a little, er, well, A LOT less for stuff like
> >this...
> >> sorry, that's my frustration talking...
> >>
> >> oh well, its back to plan b... hey, any of you guys have those
> >black
> >> boxes finished yet...? hehehehe...
> >
> >
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> --
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel!
***** 4-19!
> ----------------+----------+--------------------------+-------------
> An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who
hath no
> weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell
> hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and
buy a
> on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--
Jesus Christ
> ----------------+----------+--------------------------+-------------
> Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE
> --------------------------------------------------------------------

Discussion Thread

methadras 2002-01-29 16:13:39 UTC Smart Motor hopes dashed Fitch R. Williams 2002-01-29 18:16:44 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Smart Motor hopes dashed methadras 2002-01-29 18:27:00 UTC Re: Smart Motor hopes dashed ccs@m... 2002-01-29 18:38:27 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Smart Motor hopes dashed aspaguy 2002-01-29 21:27:16 UTC Distributor CO-Op? Was Re: Smart Motor hopes dashed Fitch R. Williams 2002-01-29 21:35:08 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Distributor CO-Op? Was Re: Smart Motor hopes dashed Bill Vance 2002-01-30 04:27:24 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Distributor CO-Op? Was Re: Smart Motor hopes dashed ballendo 2002-01-30 06:29:44 UTC Re: Smart Motor hopes dashed methadras 2002-01-30 10:08:16 UTC Re: Smart Motor hopes dashed methadras 2002-01-30 10:15:05 UTC Re: Smart Motor hopes dashed ballendo 2002-01-30 12:20:17 UTC Re: Smart Motor hopes dashed aspaguy 2002-01-30 19:21:39 UTC Distributor CO-Op? Was Re: Smart Motor hopes dashed aspaguy 2002-01-30 19:51:12 UTC Re: Smart Motor hopes dashed