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Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Shielded cable connections - help

on 2002-05-24 20:25:47 UTC
The primary reason for not connecting both ends of the shield is so that it
WILL NOT become a conductor. If you connect both ends, then you stand the
chance of cross-coupling signals, etc. That wire connected to both ends,
acting as a conductor, is now capable of turning stray magnetic fields into
current. Connecting both ends kinda defeats the purpose of shielding. I
never worked as an engineer in a 'motor-factory', but I did work at Bell
Telephone's Indian Hill Research Lab in Naperville, IL. And before that,
Burrough's (now UNYSIS) Corp. at Great Valley Labs in Paoli & Downingtown,
PA. I was taught that the ground termination should be done at the signal
supply end of the cable. (Sometimes, we would connect the 'other' end
in-series with a de-couplong capacitor.)


> From: JanRwl@...
> In a message dated 24-May-02 19:23:19 Central Daylight Time,
> ja_erickson@... writes:
> > just have a simple question, i don't know where to hook up the
> > shielding part of my shielded wires that go to my axis motor drivers
> > and my axis motors? can anyone offer any experience or insight?
> >
> Some folks, even those "engineers" at the motor-factories, say to connect
> shield only at ONE end. Perhaps in some instances, this is wise. But I
> protest it is the exception! I connect my motor-cable-shields both to
> little green screw on the back of (Superior Electric) motors, and to the
> chassis of whatever driver. If the "electronics" are mounted "in
> and there is NO voltage-differential between the motor (your
> and the (-) terminal of your motor power-supply, then connect the other
> there. Or, if using Gecko, the (-) terminal on it (Is that the first
one? I
> forget, and am too lazy to go look!). BUT, never use the shield to
> power!

Discussion Thread

ja_erickson 2002-05-24 17:09:29 UTC Shielded cable connections - help JanRwl@A... 2002-05-24 17:47:25 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Shielded cable connections - help cnc002@a... 2002-05-24 18:50:29 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Shielded cable connections - help stephen_stallings 2002-05-24 19:07:38 UTC Re: Shielded cable connections - help Raymond Heckert 2002-05-24 20:25:47 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Shielded cable connections - help Jon Elson 2002-05-24 22:10:18 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Shielded cable connections - help cnc002@a... 2002-05-27 20:15:23 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Shielded cable connections - help