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Ref: Free laser scanner software

Posted by stan
on 2008-04-06 08:21:16 UTC
Definitely, it can be extremely accurate if set up properly and it doesn't
need particularly expensive components. It is very fussy about different
surface types though, clear materials are very tricky apparently. I want to
make one with a camera and 3 laser pointers fixed together and the whole
assembly moving to sit at a fixed distance and directly face-on to a surface.
No real benefits from doing it that way, it gets rid of any inaccuracies in
the camera/laser angle but causes a much bigger pain in the neck calculating
X,Y and Z axis plus 2 rotational axis. Does give predator-like targeting
though :)

Discussion Thread

timgoldstein 2008-04-06 05:36:43 UTC Free laser scanner software stan 2008-04-06 08:21:16 UTC Ref: Free laser scanner software Chris Horne 2008-04-07 04:27:37 UTC Re: Ref: Free laser scanner software stan 2008-04-07 11:34:37 UTC Ref: Free laser scanner software Chris Horne 2008-04-08 10:39:02 UTC Re: Ref: Free laser scanner software stan 2008-04-08 15:30:03 UTC Ref: Free laser scanner software Chris Horne 2008-04-09 09:44:16 UTC Re: Ref: Free laser scanner software