CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

RE: Help Linux Woes Help!!!

Posted by Tim Goldstein
on 1999-07-10 20:04:22 UTC
Sounds like you are still missing some RPM packages. If you have the
"Official" Redhat 5.2 installation guide I would suggest going through
appendix C (page227) and verifying using Package Manager that you have every
package listed for Workstation or Base installed along with the following:
Base/Kernel/ everything

Just to confirm my suspicion, did you do a custom install?

Hope it helps,

[Denver, CO]

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian W. Wright [mailto:Ian@...]
> Sent: Saturday, July 10, 1999 5:41 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Help Linux Woes Help!!!
> From: "Ian W. Wright" <Ian@...>
> Thanks guys,
> I've progressed a bit further but I'm stuck again.
> I managed to install the rpm's and rtlinux bits and got to recompiling
> the kernel but when I ran 'make xconfig' I got an error message like:
> make -C scripts
> make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/linux-2.0.36/scripts
> gcc -I/usr/src/linux-2.0.36/include -02 -fomit -frame -pointer -g -Wall
> -c -o tkpa
> rse.o tkparse.c
> make[1]: gcc: command not found
> make[1]: *** [tkparse.o] Error 127
> make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/linux-2.0.36/scripts'
> make: *** [xconfig] Error 2
> I have tried to find gcc on the disk and on the Redhat updates site
> without success and in the README in /usr/src/ it says that you must
> have a version of gcc at least as new as your kernel and also updated
> 'binutils' which are also eluding detection. Can you offer any clues
> please.
> Incidentally, I'm quite impressed with what I've seen of linux so far -
> once we get over these teething troubles I can see I'm going to form a
> good relationship with it. For info, I'm now running it on a Pentium
> 100MHz with 64Mb of RAM and with linux on a 4.3Gb disk and Windows '95
> dual booting on a 0.5Gb partition (actually a different disk drive)
> using lilo as boot manager.
> Thanks.
> Ian
> Tim Goldstein wrote:
> >
> > From: "Tim Goldstein" <timg@...>
> >
> > The problem is you don't have the patch program loaded. It is
> also on the CD
> > #1 and can be loaded using the Package Manager.
> >
> > Do this:
> > Put the CD in the drive
> > at a command prompt type:
> > mount /mnt/cdrom
> > Open Package Manager
> > Click the Configure button and make sure the entry says change
> it if needed:
> > /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS (*Note, case counts)
> > Click OK
> > Click the Available button
> > Search for the Patch RPM file it is under the Text group I believe
> > Select the package and click Install
> >
> > You may need to install some other packages the same way. I
> have been S L
> > O W L y trying to figure out what exactly is needed int he way of
> > packages to make the EMC install work. I know you need the C and C++
> > librarys.
> >
> > Here is the install sheet I have put together from mostly
> Matt's help and
> > then my own experience and feedback from the list.
> >
> > The only real pointers I can give you regarding loading Linux
> is what worked
> > for me and may not be correct or optimum, but it seems to work
> just fine.
> >
> > Partitioning your hard Drive.
> > Use Disk Druid when prompted by the install program and 1st delete your
> > current partitions than create your new ones. I used partition
> as follows
> > / 100mb
> > /usr 200mb
> > /usr/local 300mb
> > /usr/src 300mb
> > swap 50 mb
> > All are ext2 type except for the swap partition which is the Linux swap
> > type.
> >
> > Selecting packages.
> > Don't pick ones you are not really going to use at it takes
> space and can
> > required additional configuration. Once you have picked what
> you want select
> > the option to see the individual packages within groups and go to the
> > base/kernel group and select all of the items in it. This will
> give you all
> > of the pieces you need to apply the real time patch. If you
> skip this step
> > you can add them later, but it is easier to do it now.
> >
> > Setting up X-Windows.
> > Make sure you know the exact chipset you have on your video
> card and if it
> > is not supported (check the compatibility list on the RedHat
> site) just go
> > buy one that is or you will be frustrated. Also, if your EXACT
> monitor is
> > not listed use the Generic monitor unless you have a multi sync
> monitor and
> > then use Generic multi sync. If you are at all unsure about having the
> > correct selections for the X setup I would suggest you skip it
> during the
> > installation as you can set it up once your system is running in console
> > mode. To skip the X install you select back and then you get an
> option to
> > bypass it. The reason I suggest skipping it if you are unsure
> is that if you
> > pick the wrong options you will be greeted with a blank or un-viewable
> > screen and have to abort the installation by rebooting and then
> start it all
> > over from scratch. Sure there is a better way, but this is my
> experience.
> >
> > If you skipped the X setup during the installation you can go
> back to it by
> > logging as as root (this is the user name of the system
> administrator and
> > for our purpuse the login you will always use) and entering
> Xconfigurator as
> > the command prompt (Linux is case sensitive, so it has to have
> a capital X
> > in this command and all else is lower case.)
> >
> > That is it for my loading Linux hints.
> >
> > Following is the step by step that Matt Shaver gave me with a
> few things I
> > edited.
> >
> > Here are some brief instructions I got from Matt Shaver who got
> them from
> > Fred Proctor and which Matt has expanded and edited:
> >
> > EMC Software Installation Instructions
> >
> > These instructions assume you have Redhat Linux 5.2
> already installed and X
> > Windows correctly configured.
> >
> > 1. Update the Linux kernel headers and sources. These updates
> are needed for
> > the RT-Linux patch to work properly. The updates are at:
> >
> >
> >
> > as Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) files. Download the kernel-headers and
> > kernel-source packages as well as the update for the X server
> you are using
> > and anything else that strikes your fancy into a directory of
> your choice. I
> > have always downloaded and updated everything.
> >
> > As user 'root', cd to the directory containing the update RPM
> files and do:
> >
> > rpm -Uvh kernel-headers-2.0.36-3.i386.rpm
> > rpm -Uvh kernel-source-2.0.36-3.i386.rpm
> > rpm -Uvh etc... for all the remaining updates you downloaded
> >
> > When updating the kernel headers you will probably get an error message
> > saying something like "script failed to complete". I have always ignored
> > this error and there was no problem. You may get a message about
> > "dependencies". This means that the RPM you are trying to update depends
> > upon another update being installed first. The dependencies
> will be listed
> > and you must update those RPMs first. Usually, I just do:
> >
> > rpm -Uvh *.rpm
> >
> > repeatedly until I get messages indicating that all the RPMs
> are updated and
> > nothing more can be done.
> >
> > (Note: I was able to get all the kernel components I needed
> from the RedHat
> > CD. The CD contained a current version of the kernel 2.0.36-7, but the
> > installation program did not install the header or source
> files. To install
> > the packages from the CD you first need to mount the cd. Put
> the CD in the
> > drive and at a command prompt type in:
> > mount /mnt/cdrom
> > Then you can use the package manager in X-Windows to look at
> the available
> > packages. Go to the Base/Kernel folder and select all the
> packages in it and
> > click install.
> > If you do as I now suggest and select this items individually
> in the Linus
> > install you can skip this and go straight to # 2)
> >
> > 2. Install the RT-Linux patch, available at:
> >
> >
> >
> > Download this file and place it into /usr/src.
> >
> > As user 'root', do:
> >
> > cd /usr/src
> > tar xzvf release9J.tgz
> > cd linux
> > patch -p1 < ../kernel_patch
> > cd ../rtl
> > make all
> >
> > (*Note I just finished setting up EMC on 2 different systems and on both
> > systems I got 2 hunks failed in applying the RT patch toward
> the begining
> > and then some other failures at the end of the patch display.
> None the less,
> > The kernel compiled and loaded just fine and and I can run a "live"
> > (non-sim) version on each. 7/9/99)
> >
> > 3. Recompile the kernel.
> >
> > As user 'root' from a terminal window in X, do:
> >
> > cd /usr/src/linux
> > make xconfig
> >
> > You need to be running X Windows for the 'make xconfig' line to
> work. If you
> > don't want to run X, you can do 'make config', and configure in
> text mode.
> > You would do well to take some time with this process and eliminate any
> > modules or kernel support for hardware you don't have or
> features you won't
> > use or don't need. This will SPEED THE BOOT PROCESS and
> advice probably
> > won't cause any problems, but the command 'make modules' can
> take more than
> > an hour to execute if many modules are to be built. Configure
> your kernel to
> > your liking, or leave it as-is by clicking 'Save and Exit'. Now continue
> > with the kernel compile:
> >
> > make dep
> > make clean
> > make zlmage
> > make modules
> > make modules_install
> > cp arch/i386/boot/zImage /boot/vmlinuz-1
> >
> > If there were errors that prevent the kernel from being compiled, the
> > file'arch/i386/boot/zImage' won't exist and thus can't be copied. If you
> > have trouble go back to the beginning of this step, reconfigure, and try
> > again.
> >
> > If you need to start over with a clean slate you may have to remove
> > everything under /usr/src/linux, then install the two kernel RPMs and
> > finally retry the patch. See /usr/src/linux/README for more
> info on starting
> > from scratch.
> >
> > 4. Edit /etc/lilo.conf so that it looks somewhat like this:
> >
> > boot=/dev/XXX <-- leave xxx as is, e.g.,
> > hda1map=/boot/mapinstall=/boot/boot.bprompt
> timeout=50image=/boot/vmlinuz-1
> > <-- change this to /boot/vmlinuz label=rtlinux
> > root=/dev/XXX <-- leave XXX as is, e.g., hda1
> read-only append=mem=XXm"<--
> > XX = the number of MB of RAM you have - 1
> >
> > 31 for a 32MB system, 63 for a 64MB system, etc.
> >
> > (Note: I would suggest you setup lilo.config so you can boot to your new
> > kernel as the default and your old kernel as an option. This
> way if you had
> > something fail on you in compiling the kernel you can still
> reboot to the
> > original kernel and try again. The way you do this is by having
> 2 sections
> > in your lilo.conf file.
> > Here is what mine looks like:
> >
> > boot=/dev/hda
> > map=/boot/map
> > install=/boot/boot.b
> > prompt
> > timeout=50
> > image=/boot/vmlinuz-1
> > label=rtlinux
> > root=/dev/hda1
> > read-only
> > append="mem=31m"
> > image=/boot/vmlinuz-2.0.36-0.7
> > label=linux
> > root=/dev/hda1
> > read-only
> >
> > This makes it boot to the real time version if I do nothing on
> bootup and
> > allows me to boot the original kernel by typing:
> > linux
> > at the LILO: prompt. You can press the TAB key when you see the
> LILO: prompt
> > and it will show you the labels for your boot choices. With the above
> > lilo.conf file you would see rtlinux and linux.)
> >
> > 5. Run LILO to set up your machine to boot the new kernel.
> >
> > As user 'root' do:
> >
> > /sbin/lilo
> >
> > and then reboot.
> >
> > 6. Now you need to get the EMC software from:
> >
> >
> >
> > and put it into /usr/local/nist. This is available as one big file
> > namedemc-DD-MMM-YYYY.tgz, where DD = the day, MMM = the month,
> and YYYY =
> > the year that the file was created, or 4 smaller files that
> will each fit on
> > a floppy. To use the small files you can copy them onto the disk from
> > floppies and then use 'cat' to combine them back into one file.
> >
> > 7. Unpack the files and install the software.
> >
> > As user 'root', do:
> >
> > cd /usr/local/nist
> > tar xzvf emc-DD-MMM-YYYY
> > ./install
> >
> > This will build all the programs and put all the files where
> they belong.
> >
> > 8. Configure the script that runs the EMC and the .ini file
> that controls
> > its operation.
> >
> > This is a big subject in itself, however you can try out the software by
> > getting these two files:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > and putting them in /usr/local/nist/emc. These files assume you have
> > followed the above instructions about where to put the
> software. They are
> > also specific for machines with 64MB of RAM. If you have a
> different amount
> > of RAM you must edit these files to replace all instances of the
> > string0x3F00000 with a value such as:
> >
> > Remember that if your machine has other than 64MB of RAM you'll need to
> > change the 0x3F00000 to match your system:
> >
> > 0x0F00000 for 16MB systems
> > 0x1F00000 for 32MB systems
> > 0x2F00000 for 48MB systems
> > 0x3F00000 for 64MB systems
> > 0x4F00000 for 80MB systems
> > 0x5F00000 for 96MB systems
> > 0x6F00000 for 112MB systems
> > 0x7F00000 for 128MB systems
> > etc...
> >
> > These files also depend upon there being a parallel port at address
> > 378h.This corresponds to LPT1 in DOS and if you only have one
> port it will
> > most likely be this. If not you must edit these files to replace all
> > instances of the string 0x378 with 0x278 or 0x3BC, whichever is
> appropriate.
> > Be sure to disconnect anything plugged into the port you use since this
> > version of the EMC toggles bits to run stepper motors and could cause
> > "interesting" things to happen to printers. The advantage of
> trying out the
> > EMC using these files is that there is no other hardware
> required. To start
> > the EMC:
> >
> > As user 'root' from a terminal window in X, do:
> >
> > cd /usr/local/nist/emc
> > ./run.64step378
> >
> > Of course if you edited the files you may also have changed their names
> > souse the appropriate command. Note that the 'run.' script refers to the
> > '.ini' file explicitly by name, so if you change the name of
> the '.ini 'file
> > you will need to edit the 'run.' script to match.
> >
> > As always, if any of your impossible mission team is caught or
> killed...oh,
> > wait a minute, that's from some different instructions. Anyway,
> if you have
> > questions (you will), just call or write and I'll do my best to
> help you get
> > going.
> >
> > Good Luck (you'll need it)[This is the comment I got when Matt sent this
> > info to me]
> >
> > Tim
> > [Denver, CO]
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Ian W. Wright [mailto:Ian@...]
> > > Sent: Saturday, July 10, 1999 2:14 PM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Help Linux Woes Help!!!
> > >
> > >
> > > From: "Ian W. Wright" <Ian@...>
> > >
> > > Hi group (and Matt or Tim in particular),
> > >
> > > I'm completely stuck trying to install RT and EMC. After
> finally making
> > > a good enough case to get a bigger hard disk and transferring
> one of the
> > > old disk out of this machine into the one I intend to use for machine
> > > control, I have started to install Redhat 5.2, which seemed
> to work, and
> > > I am now trying to install the kernel patches and RT linux.
> > > Unfortunately, in the transfer of disks, I managed to wipe most of the
> > > past messages I had saved and the address of the archive - Dohh!!!!
> > > Idiot or what?!!
> > > So, I have RedHat 5.2 installed off the CD together with
> XFree86 and it
> > > seems to work and plays games OK - first stage in pacifying the wife!
> > > I downloaded the kernel_source and kernel_headers files since
> I couldn't
> > > find them on the CD and I have installed them using the
> package manager
> > > as in Tim's message of 9th Jul. I also downloaded the RTLinux
> > > Release9J.tgz file and copied it into /usr/src and (un)tarred it. Now
> > > comes the difficulty. When I try to run 'patch -pl <
> > > /usr/src/kernel_patch' I get the error message 'bash: patch:
> command not
> > > found'
> > > I have the feeling I should rebuild the kernel or something but I am
> > > confused by the variety of documentation I now have, most of
> which seems
> > > to tell me to run 'make config' or some such, however, when I
> try this I
> > > again get the error 'bash: make: command not found'
> > > One of the docs I read says something about deleting
> everything from the
> > > /linux directory but, not knowing enough about the way the
> system works
> > > yet, I baulked at this.
> > > The computer is switched on grumbling to itself and I don't
> know whether
> > > I can switch it off without bu..ering something up or not.
> Can some kind
> > > soul please put me out of my misery and explain in idiot
> language how to
> > > get myself out of this mess so I can sleep peacefully?
> > > thanks,
> > >
> > > Ian
> > >
> > > Best wishes
> > >
> > > Ian
> > >
> > > --
> > >
> > > Ian W. Wright LBHI
> > > Sheffield Branch Chairman of the British Horological Institute.
> > > Bandmaster and Euphonium player of the Hathersage Brass Band. UK.
> > > See our homepage at:- or
> > > or
> > >
> > >
> > > 'Music is the filling of regular time intervals with harmonious
> > > oscillations.'
> > >
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> > bill,
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> --
> Best wishes
> Ian
> --
> Ian W. Wright LBHI
> Sheffield Branch Chairman of the British Horological Institute.
> Bandmaster and Euphonium player of the Hathersage Brass Band. UK.
> See our homepage at:- or
> or
> 'Music is the filling of regular time intervals with harmonious
> oscillations.'
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Discussion Thread

Ian W. Wright 1999-07-10 16:40:40 UTC Re: Help Linux Woes Help!!! Tim Goldstein 1999-07-10 19:35:51 UTC RE: Help Linux Woes Help!!! Tim Goldstein 1999-07-10 20:04:22 UTC RE: Help Linux Woes Help!!! Jon Elson 1999-07-10 22:10:54 UTC Re: Help Linux Woes Help!!! Jon Elson 1999-07-10 22:27:34 UTC Re: Help Linux Woes Help!!! Ian W. Wright 1999-07-11 10:18:08 UTC Re: Help Linux Woes Help!!! Matt Shaver 1999-07-11 11:12:36 UTC Re: Help Linux Woes Help!!! Ian W. Wright 1999-07-11 12:19:18 UTC Re: Help Linux Woes Help!!! Tim Goldstein 1999-07-11 12:46:40 UTC RE: Help Linux Woes Help!!! Tim Goldstein 1999-07-11 13:12:26 UTC RE: Help Linux Woes Help!!!