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Re: Help Linux Woes Help!!!

Posted by Jon Elson
on 1999-07-10 22:10:54 UTC
"Ian W. Wright" wrote:

> From: "Ian W. Wright" <Ian@...>
> Hi group (and Matt or Tim in particular),
> I'm completely stuck trying to install RT and EMC. After finally making
> a good enough case to get a bigger hard disk and transferring one of the
> old disk out of this machine into the one I intend to use for machine
> control, I have started to install Redhat 5.2, which seemed to work, and
> I am now trying to install the kernel patches and RT linux.
> Unfortunately, in the transfer of disks, I managed to wipe most of the
> past messages I had saved and the address of the archive - Dohh!!!!
> Idiot or what?!!
> So, I have RedHat 5.2 installed off the CD together with XFree86 and it
> seems to work and plays games OK - first stage in pacifying the wife!
> I downloaded the kernel_source and kernel_headers files since I couldn't
> find them on the CD and I have installed them using the package manager
> as in Tim's message of 9th Jul. I also downloaded the RTLinux
> Release9J.tgz file and copied it into /usr/src and (un)tarred it. Now
> comes the difficulty. When I try to run 'patch -pl <
> /usr/src/kernel_patch' I get the error message 'bash: patch: command not
> found'

Make sure you are logged in as 'root'. I can't imagine why patch isn't
there. Maybe it is in some system utilities RPM. You might do a
man patch to see if it gives any clues as to what you need to do to
make it available.

> I have the feeling I should rebuild the kernel or something but I am
> confused by the variety of documentation I now have, most of which seems
> to tell me to run 'make config' or some such, however, when I try this I
> again get the error 'bash: make: command not found'

Even more serious! Maybe these are installed with a C development
RPM. Anyway, you need to rebuild the kernel AFTER the patches
go in.

> One of the docs I read says something about deleting everything from the
> /linux directory but, not knowing enough about the way the system works
> yet, I baulked at this.
> The computer is switched on grumbling to itself and I don't know whether
> I can switch it off without bu..ering something up or not. Can some kind
> soul please put me out of my misery and explain in idiot language how to
> get myself out of this mess so I can sleep peacefully?

Well, to shut Linux down, first do crl-alt-backspace to shut down the
X system, then do shutdown -h now
to bring Linux down gracefully. When it says system halted twice,
you can power off without fear of causing a file system problem.


Discussion Thread

Ian W. Wright 1999-07-10 16:40:40 UTC Re: Help Linux Woes Help!!! Tim Goldstein 1999-07-10 19:35:51 UTC RE: Help Linux Woes Help!!! Tim Goldstein 1999-07-10 20:04:22 UTC RE: Help Linux Woes Help!!! Jon Elson 1999-07-10 22:10:54 UTC Re: Help Linux Woes Help!!! Jon Elson 1999-07-10 22:27:34 UTC Re: Help Linux Woes Help!!! Ian W. Wright 1999-07-11 10:18:08 UTC Re: Help Linux Woes Help!!! Matt Shaver 1999-07-11 11:12:36 UTC Re: Help Linux Woes Help!!! Ian W. Wright 1999-07-11 12:19:18 UTC Re: Help Linux Woes Help!!! Tim Goldstein 1999-07-11 12:46:40 UTC RE: Help Linux Woes Help!!! Tim Goldstein 1999-07-11 13:12:26 UTC RE: Help Linux Woes Help!!!