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RE: I made a Success of it!

Posted by Tim Goldstein
on 1999-07-24 10:28:05 UTC

I am probably going to sound like a cranky old codger, but why do you keep
trying to change configurations from what is known to work and works for
everyone else??

Just follow the script instructions exactly and do not make any additional
changes in the xconfig boxes and then just change the memory value (not
anything else unless your partitions are different and then only the
partition info) in the lilo.config file. In Linux everything appears to be
case sensitive so don't change what is working on everyone else's system.

Once you get it to work with an plain vanilla setup you can always go and
recompile an new kernel and add it as an additional entry in lilo.conf
(don't forget to call it a the kernel a different name when you copy if from
zImage to the boot directory). Then you can boot the original kernel, the
vanilla RT kernel and any additional kernels you create.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian W. Wright [mailto:Ian@...]
> I *think* I may have RT sorted. I reinstalled it using Tim's patch file
> but changed the "limit memory to 16M" option in xconfig and it is not up
> and running and accepting the 'append="mem+63M"' in the lilo script. I
> also reinstalled EMC using the 08-Jun version but haven't managed to get
> anything other than working yet as, for some reason, I don't
> seem to have steppermod.o and so Tim's run.mymill won't run. Perhaps I
> need to reinstall a different release of EMC? The only other query I
> have at the moment is - does the case of the 'M' in the append statement
> matter, I put it in upper case because that is how it appears in the
> help file relating to the 'use only 16M' bit of xconfig but I noticed
> since that Tim's original script has it as lower case?
> **Matt** -- I have installed KDE desktop and you're right - I do like
> it. It took a liitle sorting out to start with as the help files didn't
> seem too clear but I now have it under control.
> I have also been messing about trying to get a connection to the 'net
> from the linux machine but ,so far, I haven't had much luck. I've got as
> far as having the modem talk to the ISP's computer but there is
> obviously some incompatibility which throws me out and, at present, I
> don't seem able fit the limited information I have from the ISP with the
> requirements of linux. Still, it's just yet one more challenge!

I'll agree on the KDE desktop. It is far easier to use than any of the ones
included in the 5.2 install. I did have it freeze up one time so far and it
required me to hit the reset button to get running again.

[Denver, CO]

Discussion Thread

Ian W. Wright 1999-07-22 13:51:02 UTC I made a Success of it! Tim Goldstein 1999-07-22 15:41:30 UTC Re: I made a Success of it! Ian W. Wright 1999-07-24 05:01:28 UTC Re: I made a Success of it! Tim Goldstein 1999-07-24 10:28:05 UTC RE: I made a Success of it! Ian W. Wright 1999-07-24 12:14:54 UTC Re: I made a Success of it! Fred Proctor 1999-07-26 14:42:38 UTC Re: I made a Success of it! Ian W. Wright 1999-08-03 12:28:55 UTC Re: I made a Success of it! Tim Goldstein 1999-08-03 12:47:13 UTC Re: I made a Success of it! Jon Elson 1999-08-03 15:48:01 UTC Re: I made a Success of it! Mike Gann 1999-08-03 16:29:48 UTC Re: I made a Success of it! Tim Goldstein 1999-08-03 16:41:13 UTC Re: I made a Success of it! Mike Gann 1999-08-03 19:09:32 UTC Re: I made a Success of it! Tim Goldstein 1999-08-03 19:25:42 UTC RE: I made a Success of it! Mike Gann 1999-08-03 19:59:40 UTC Re: I made a Success of it! Jon Elson 1999-08-03 22:41:07 UTC Re: I made a Success of it! Ian W. Wright 1999-08-04 13:32:47 UTC Re: I made a Success of it! Ian W. Wright 1999-08-04 13:31:38 UTC Re: I made a Success of it!