Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Vectorcam, bobcad, rhino3D, which one??
Posted by
Graeme Murray
on 2001-05-14 13:27:05 UTC
Hi John,
I am following this thread with close interest as I am in the process of
evaluating the RAMS system and will most likely be purchasing it soon.
If you check it out you will find that it will do both 2D and 3D files , for
instance DXF and STL files . My experience with it so far is that it works
pretty well and the support from RAMS has been very good. As my experience
grows I will pass on what I learn. It looks as though it is going to grow
its facilities and it was also encouraging to see that Andrew Werby is also
going to be carrying it as a product . He has been involved in the Rhino
news group and this group and I respect his comments. ( Thanks Andrew)
I am not sure if RAMS will support 4th axis but I feel that if they dont now
, then they probably soon will.
The use of Rhino and a STL based cam system will give very good
I am following this thread with close interest as I am in the process of
evaluating the RAMS system and will most likely be purchasing it soon.
If you check it out you will find that it will do both 2D and 3D files , for
instance DXF and STL files . My experience with it so far is that it works
pretty well and the support from RAMS has been very good. As my experience
grows I will pass on what I learn. It looks as though it is going to grow
its facilities and it was also encouraging to see that Andrew Werby is also
going to be carrying it as a product . He has been involved in the Rhino
news group and this group and I respect his comments. ( Thanks Andrew)
I am not sure if RAMS will support 4th axis but I feel that if they dont now
, then they probably soon will.
The use of Rhino and a STL based cam system will give very good
> results as you point out but this combination will then deplete MrGraeme
> Tauseef's funds leaving him nothing left to buy another package to
> handle the other milling cycles, most of which will cost the same as
> his initial purchase. So instead of paying $800 which I think was the
> mentioned figure he will finish up paying twice that for four
Discussion Thread
2001-05-10 23:25:22 UTC
Vectorcam, bobcad, rhino3D, which one??
2001-05-11 12:58:36 UTC
RE: Vectorcam, bobcad, rhino3D, which one??
Bob Campbell
2001-05-11 13:54:13 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] RE: Vectorcam, bobcad, rhino3D, which one??
2001-05-11 16:02:25 UTC
Re: Vectorcam, bobcad, rhino3D, which one??
Tom Murray
2001-05-12 08:40:35 UTC
Re: Vectorcam, bobcad, rhino3D, which one??
Jon Anderson
2001-05-12 09:13:27 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Vectorcam, bobcad, rhino3D, which one??
2001-05-13 15:17:01 UTC
Re: Vectorcam, bobcad, rhino3D, which one??
Tom Murray
2001-05-13 20:50:27 UTC
Re: Vectorcam, bobcad, rhino3D, which one??
2001-05-14 00:26:13 UTC
Re: Vectorcam, bobcad, rhino3D, which one??
2001-05-14 00:43:17 UTC
Re: Vectorcam, bobcad, rhino3D, which one??
2001-05-14 12:50:47 UTC
Re: Vectorcam, bobcad, rhino3D, which one??
Graeme Murray
2001-05-14 13:27:05 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Vectorcam, bobcad, rhino3D, which one??
2001-05-27 23:09:15 UTC
Re: Vectorcam, bobcad, rhino3D, which one??
Mike Phillips
2001-05-27 23:13:36 UTC
Re: Vectorcam, bobcad, rhino3D, which one??
2001-05-27 23:59:16 UTC
Re: Vectorcam, bobcad, rhino3D, which one??
2001-05-28 06:18:32 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Vectorcam, bobcad, rhino3D, which one??
Carol & Jerry Jankura
2001-05-28 06:22:47 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Vectorcam, bobcad, rhino3D, which one??
2001-05-28 07:01:19 UTC
Re: Vectorcam, bobcad, rhino3D, which one??
2001-05-28 10:59:41 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Vectorcam, bobcad, rhino3D, which one??
Carol & Jerry Jankura
2001-05-28 14:37:49 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Vectorcam, bobcad, rhino3D, which one??
Andrew Werby
2001-05-28 17:17:21 UTC
Re: Vectorcam, bobcad, rhino3D, which one??
Jon Elson
2001-05-28 20:01:39 UTC
Vectorcam, bobcad, rhino3D, which one??