CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Re: Brushless Servo

Posted by Ian Wright
on 1999-10-11 09:29:43 UTC
Hi all,

I'm probably a bit dense but I'm still not sure what people mean by '23 and
34 frame steppers'. I realise that it relates in some way to the physical
size but I haven't found any reference source which will clarify it for me.
I have several sizes and types of stepper ranging from the 5.25" floppy
drive type up to one which is about 3.5" square on the end mounting face and
4" long but there seems to be no direct correlation between the size and the
power. In fact, the biggest says it is rated at 150 oz/in whilst someone on
the list told me that another one I have which is half the physical size of
this one can do 110 oz/in. I also saw somewhere a statement that you could
tell the power of a stepper by its shaft size but I have some small steppers
out of a pen plotter with relatively small diameter shafts which seem to
have much more power than other larger motors I have with shafts almost
twice the diameter.
Can anyone shed any more light on this - is there any site which provides a
clear guide to stepper motors ( perhaps even a 'selection guide' ) which
would help the junk yard foragers like myself to sort out the useful from
the 'leave it alone'. If there is nothing but someone on the list would like
to concoct an appropriate page, I would be happy to add it to my web site.

Ian W. Wright
Sheffield UK

> From: JVCroad@...
> I have removed NEMA 23 frame and 34 frame steppers from a variety of old,
> large printers

Discussion Thread

Raynor Johnston 1999-10-09 10:48:34 UTC Re: Brushless Servo Jim GREGG 1999-10-09 17:49:26 UTC Re: Re: Brushless Servo Jim GREGG 1999-10-09 21:08:28 UTC Re: Re: Brushless Servo Jon Elson 1999-10-10 01:01:32 UTC Re: Re: Brushless Servo PTENGIN@x... 1999-10-10 03:08:19 UTC Re: Re: Brushless Servo TheDragonPit 1999-10-10 06:18:49 UTC Re: Re: Brushless Servo JVCroad@x... 1999-10-10 07:05:11 UTC Re: Re: Brushless Servo Don Hughes 1999-10-10 08:34:54 UTC Re: Re: Brushless Servo Jon Elson 1999-10-10 20:47:43 UTC Re: Re: Brushless Servo Ian Wright 1999-10-11 09:29:43 UTC Re: Re: Brushless Servo PTENGIN@x... 1999-10-11 15:45:08 UTC Re: Re: Brushless Servo batwings@x... 1999-10-11 09:45:02 UTC Re: Re: Brushless Servo Ian Wright 1999-10-12 11:20:03 UTC Re: Re: Brushless Servo Jon Anderson 1999-10-13 07:44:48 UTC Re: Re: Brushless Servo