Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Re: Re: more questions for a confused newbie :)
Posted by
Chris L
on 2001-11-26 20:21:28 UTC
Ah, Fred......
You articulate my thoughts much better than I do !
I agree, I agree, I agree !
I will indeed spend much more time studying the Drawing techniques of the program. I do
realize that there are some unique things. I think we both would agree that anything you
can do in BC, you can do BETTER in VECTOR.
Well, anyhow when I tried BC I had all those "Bad Habits" you know...................
Chris L
(I'd "snip" the below... but, it's way to Good to !!)
IMService wrote:
You articulate my thoughts much better than I do !
I agree, I agree, I agree !
I will indeed spend much more time studying the Drawing techniques of the program. I do
realize that there are some unique things. I think we both would agree that anything you
can do in BC, you can do BETTER in VECTOR.
Well, anyhow when I tried BC I had all those "Bad Habits" you know...................
Chris L
(I'd "snip" the below... but, it's way to Good to !!)
IMService wrote:
> >Message: 20
> > Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 18:23:39 -0600
> > From: Chris L <datac@...>
> >Subject: Re: Re: more questions for a confused newbie :)
> >
> > I find that I am much better off drawing my parts in a Cad program and
> >just use Vectors Cam portion. Of course, that's just me.............The
> >reasons
> >are twofold.
> >
> Now be honest, first is that you already knew another Cad program
> that you had invested many years of learning into. ;-)
> >The First is, I can keep an actual part drawing totally separate from the
> >toolpath concept. Lets say I design a machine, I keep it all in a Cad
> ....
> >The Second reason is this. I can't draw worth a darn in Vector. It may have
> >some strong points and I am sure you can "Get there".
> See the real reason for number one ;-)
> >But, Bottom line is I can draw 10 times faster in Ashlar, or Autosketch. I
> >can
> >have 4 entities in place in the time it takes me to input the X1X2Y1Y2 and
> >Z
> >line information for ONE line in Vector.
> >
> I agree, and funny I never use that function, I don't recommend it
> unless you absolutely have to. It is very nice however if you are
> using an external program to auto feed data into Vector, but other
> than that it is very slow.
> Did you know that you can reset the angular rotation of the Vector
> coordinate system just by dragging it onto a snap point?
> Very seldom do I have to type in an angle, I just point the axis at
> a snap point and draw a line aligned.
> >I probably do not draw like most people. Often I do not know exacting
> >locations
> >of something. Take for example a holes center. I might not know, and
> >generally
> >don't have to where the center even is. All I need is a diameter and an
> >edge or
> >two. Draw a few offset lines and with the modern "Snap point"
> >technologies.....
> Most of which were in Vector in 1992! Try the line aligned for sketching
> lines "about" where you want, don't worry too much about the ends, as
> you will just trim them to the next line you sketch. This is very different
> from most CAD systems. Except for John Stevenson who likes to draw
> with cryptic numonic key codes on a DOS based system, Vector is very
> good at guick "napkin" types of designs. Everything can be modified,
> dragged around, stretched and scaled to fit whatever you want. (Hi John) ;-)
> >I am done. No math to figure in my head, just flat out drawing. Add to
> >that the
> >built in math functions. (like a hole is: 2.45878 diameter. What's the
> >radius ?
> >who cares ! just type the diameter > then the \ (divide) key and 2. DONE)
> Do that in Vector too, including PI for pi, trig, logs, sqrts, etc. in any
> numeric data entry field
> >
> >The real beauty of Vector is its ability to ditch DXF "Dupes" and also its
> >ability to "Reorganize" lines into toolpaths.
> >
> In other words "clean up the messes left behind by other CAD systems"? ;-)
> Vector was designed to be used by machinists in shops where the design
> department office is across town and they still had parts to make tonight.
> >So if you are like me and already overly familiar with your present Cad
> >package, I don't know that it is beneficial to learn Vectors drawing
> >aspects.
> This is a very notable statement. There is no such thing as a free lunch.
> If you want to use a complex Cad-Cam system, even one as easy to learn
> as Vector, it is going to take some time and study. The only people
> who ever complain about learning Vector are those that already have a
> CAD system of choice who are unwilling to learn another. Today someone
> said "life is too short to have to learn 2 Cad systems". Too true! This is particularly
> true if you have already learned another complex CAD system. You will have to
> "unlearn" all the bad habits you learned in the other system to become
> effective with Vector, or any other system for that matter. To you the
> AutoCad, Vellum, Cadkey, etc expert, they are not bad habits, but..., if
> you want to make good use of any tools you have to take the time to learn
> them. Some things that are "good enough" when designing a mechanism,
> will be a disaster when machining a part. This is true of end mills, CNC
> machines, manual machines, turning tools, different materials, all the
> different variables of making parts with the tools that we buy, barter,
> inherit, or make.
> Best Regards, Fred Smith- IMService
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Discussion Thread
2001-11-25 17:52:30 UTC
more questions for a confused newbie :)
Carol & Jerry Jankura
2001-11-25 19:10:12 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] more questions for a confused newbie :)
Fitch R. Williams
2001-11-25 19:43:26 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] more questions for a confused newbie :)
2001-11-25 20:01:50 UTC
Re: more questions for a confused newbie :)
2001-11-25 22:01:19 UTC
Re: more questions for a confused newbie :)
Tim Goldstein
2001-11-25 22:11:50 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: more questions for a confused newbie :)
2001-11-25 23:16:22 UTC
Re: more questions for a confused newbie :)
Chris L
2001-11-26 16:21:56 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: more questions for a confused newbie :)
David Goodfellow
2001-11-26 16:31:12 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: more questions for a confused newbie :)
Chris L
2001-11-26 19:19:33 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: more questions for a confused newbie :)
2001-11-26 20:08:22 UTC
Re: Re: Re: more questions for a confused newbie :)
Chris L
2001-11-26 20:21:28 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Re: Re: more questions for a confused newbie :)
2001-11-27 00:25:09 UTC
Re: more questions for a confused newbie :)
2001-11-27 08:15:04 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: more questions for a confused newbie :)