CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive


Posted by ja_erickson
on 2002-03-10 14:14:11 UTC
hey Mariss,

good day,i purchased a seperate p.c. power supply to power the drive
and i'm using one of the 5 volt supplies,is this o.k.? there is some
more information that i could lend. i have used the geckos in the 1x
and 2x modes and it didnt help the situation. i have also tried to
change the acceleration rates within master5 and it did have some
effects, but none of them "cured" the problem. there are times when
the motor does move smoothly but it is intermittent and it seems to
do this only after skipping, and growling a bit.its really strange to
me why the motor works flawlwssly in one direction but not the other.
is there a potential for a problem with the nema 42 size triple stack
motor and the drive? and if so is there a way that i can verify that.
i cant thank you enough for your patients and considerations, as i
couldn't have gotten this far without your help.

jeff from cleveland

--- In CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO@y..., "mariss92705" <mariss92705@y...> wrote:
> Jeff,
> Check your DIRECTION signal. My bet is it does not meet TTL
> requirements when it has to carry opto LED current.
> Try running things with the "common +5VDC" input jumper option. Get
> your +5VDC from pin 1 on your game port. Your LPT1 port probably
> can't source the required 16 mA. It will sink 16 mA though.
> Mariss
> --- In CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO@y..., "ja_erickson" <ja_erickson@y...> wrote:
> > hey all,
> >
> > ive just wired up one drive on a bridgeport series 1 with
> > size 42 steppers using gecko 210 drives. the system is being
> > by master5 software and is exibiting some strange behavior.
> > when im jogging the motor in one direction it functions smooth as
> silk
> > but when i attempt to jog the motorin the opposite direction,the
> > motor misses steps, stall and growls.any suggestions
> >
> > jeff

Discussion Thread

ja_erickson 2002-03-10 12:48:39 UTC INCONSISTENT STEPPING - WIERD SITUATION mariss92705 2002-03-10 13:10:58 UTC Re: INCONSISTENT STEPPING - WIERD SITUATION ja_erickson 2002-03-10 14:14:11 UTC Re: INCONSISTENT STEPPING - WIERD SITUATION Robert Allen 2002-03-10 14:34:07 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] INCONSISTENT STEPPING - WIERD SITUATION mariss92705 2002-03-10 15:19:08 UTC Re: INCONSISTENT STEPPING - WIERD SITUATION Jon Elson 2002-03-10 15:38:38 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] INCONSISTENT STEPPING - WIERD SITUATION Art Fenerty 2002-03-10 15:54:38 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] INCONSISTENT STEPPING - WIERD SITUATION Bob Campbell 2002-03-10 16:17:25 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] INCONSISTENT STEPPING - WIERD SITUATION mariss92705 2002-03-10 16:45:34 UTC Re: INCONSISTENT STEPPING - WIERD SITUATION ja_erickson 2002-03-10 17:37:45 UTC Re: INCONSISTENT STEPPING - WIERD SITUATION ja_erickson 2002-03-10 17:57:04 UTC Re: INCONSISTENT STEPPING - WIERD SITUATION ja_erickson 2002-03-10 17:58:40 UTC Re: INCONSISTENT STEPPING - WIERD SITUATION mariss92705 2002-03-10 17:59:25 UTC Re: INCONSISTENT STEPPING - WIERD SITUATION mariss92705 2002-03-10 18:06:50 UTC Re: INCONSISTENT STEPPING - WIERD SITUATION Hugh Currin 2002-03-10 19:22:00 UTC Re: INCONSISTENT STEPPING - WIERD SITUATION destine300@a... 2002-03-10 20:12:18 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: INCONSISTENT STEPPING - WIERD SITUATION Jon Elson 2002-03-10 23:10:16 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: INCONSISTENT STEPPING - WIERD SITUATION Jon Elson 2002-03-10 23:13:45 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] INCONSISTENT STEPPING - WIERD SITUATION