Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] fine-pitch threadcutting on thinwall tubing
Posted by
Raymond Heckert
on 2002-03-14 19:07:11 UTC
First, of all, I'd start with "thick-walled" tubing, and machine it to the
proper I.D., and single-point thread it, then, I'd turn the O.D. to req'd
dimension, and thread it, then I'd use a good parting tool to cut thin-wall
free from thick-wall. The reason for the thick-wall, in the first place is
for rigidity, when you chuck it up (thin-wall will distort
catastrophically!). Secondly, you probably can't buy thin-walled tubing to
your exacting spec's (I.D. & O.D.), so, you may as well make it yourself.
But, you'll soon see why the machinist has to charge so much. Contact me
off-list, if you need help setting up your lathe for threading.
Hope This Helps.
proper I.D., and single-point thread it, then, I'd turn the O.D. to req'd
dimension, and thread it, then I'd use a good parting tool to cut thin-wall
free from thick-wall. The reason for the thick-wall, in the first place is
for rigidity, when you chuck it up (thin-wall will distort
catastrophically!). Secondly, you probably can't buy thin-walled tubing to
your exacting spec's (I.D. & O.D.), so, you may as well make it yourself.
But, you'll soon see why the machinist has to charge so much. Contact me
off-list, if you need help setting up your lathe for threading.
Hope This Helps.
> From: Multi-Volti Devices (Murray) <multi-volti@...>pitch
> Anyone here have the ability to thread thinwall metal tubing with fine
> threads (like camera filters). Inside as well as outside?to
> I at first imagined one needed really weird taps & dies, but it occurred
> me that maybe it's just done with a cuttign tool on a lathe.problem.
> Then the question does one obtain the right diameter tubing? I
> imagine there are a limited number of sizes, and metric is another
> Oh, by the way, the application is threaded tubes & spacers for optical
> applications.
> I found a machininst who does this stuff but it's frightening
> wondered if it is frighteningly difficult.[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Thanks
> Murray
Discussion Thread
Multi-Volti Devices (Murray)
2002-03-13 21:51:52 UTC
fine-pitch threadcutting on thinwall tubing
Scot Rogers
2002-03-13 23:29:34 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] fine-pitch threadcutting on thinwall tubing
Sven Peter
2002-03-14 05:46:36 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] fine-pitch threadcutting on thinwall tubing
2002-03-14 07:06:00 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] fine-pitch threadcutting on thinwall tubing
2002-03-14 16:53:30 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] fine-pitch threadcutting on thinwall tubing
2002-03-14 16:53:32 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] fine-pitch threadcutting on thinwall tubing
Raymond Heckert
2002-03-14 19:07:11 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] fine-pitch threadcutting on thinwall tubing
2002-03-14 20:39:13 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] fine-pitch threadcutting on thinwall tubing
Doug Fortune
2002-03-14 22:34:18 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] fine-pitch threadcutting on thinwall tubing
Sven Peter
2002-03-15 05:26:48 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] fine-pitch threadcutting on thinwall tubing