CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: TurboCAM ? Autosketch....?

Posted by Chris L
on 2002-05-27 20:40:57 UTC
I settled in much better with Version 7 of sketch thanks the the "auto snap points" V6 did not have.

I spent some time at the shop with AutoCadLt and had no use for its methods. That's because I spent much more time in Ashlars old "drawing Board" version simply because it was hands down faster and
more intuative to use than A-CadLt. To this day I would love to buy a newer version of Ashlar Vellum becuase It probably still outdoes the rest.

Back then however, I needed a database in my Cad program, ( which "Drawing Board" did not have) I did a little searching. At the time, TurboCad was on the edge of going belly up and I really did
not like drawing with the free version. Then a proffessor at a college gave me a full copy of version 4 and I *really* concluded I did not like it.

I looked at lots of stuff. I did not really need anything 3d. Then I found AutoSketch V6, right before V7 came out. I liked it except for a few trinkets that I became so used to from the Ashlar
Product (like autosnaps - still looking foraward to autoOrtho). Then V7 came out WITH them (a-snaps) and I was hooked. It really is quite incredible for the money.

That is probably why Autodesk seems to leave it simmer instead of improving it. They released V8 by putting it in a fancy new box, Eliminating the Manuals, and *Raising the Price* without addressing
any of the real improvements that people were suggesting in the Sketch Newsgroup.
It pretty much ticked me off..... But, I will admit, too many improvements, and LT would be no longer used or the price of Sketch would sky rocket.

I am still using Sketch coupled to Sensiva ( a right mouse slide macro software) which makes it darn near unbeatable. I was able to modify some of my floorplan drawings in front of the fellows who
were putting in our phone system. They both are long time A-CadLt users. They just stood in amazement as they could not believe how much faster I could get things done compared to what they are used
to with Lt. Of course most of the credit here goes to Sensiva, which will work for anything from running a CNC Controller to writing letters to grandma. Anyone needing a Sensiva Plugin for Sketch,
give a shout. ( I use the older more stable and also free version of Sensiva v2.01)

So, I have been curious about TurboCad lately. I suppose I should just buy the $99 version and see how it is. I imagine it has come a long way since they reorganized.

Has anyone switched from A-Sketch to TurboCad ?? Comments ?? Recommendations ??

I have a hunch AutoSketch is "stalled" and won't be going much farther......

Chris L

RC wrote:

> I agree that would be very nice, since in my opinion, Autosketch version 6,
> in better than the more expensive Autocad programs! I have been using
> Autosketch since it has started, and just think it's the greatest 2d cad
> program...... does anyone else experience this cad program, and what do you
> think of it?

Discussion Thread

RC 2002-05-27 17:31:26 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: TurboCAM ? Autosketch....? Chris L 2002-05-27 20:40:57 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: TurboCAM ? Autosketch....? Tony Jeffree 2002-05-28 05:24:19 UTC Re: TurboCAM ? Autosketch....? stevenson_engineers 2002-05-28 05:28:48 UTC Re: TurboCAM ? Autosketch....? bwrfromuk 2002-05-28 10:51:50 UTC Re: TurboCAM ? Autosketch....? RC 2002-05-28 12:24:43 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: TurboCAM ? Autosketch....? Chris L 2002-05-28 15:56:09 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: TurboCAM ? Autosketch....? Chris L 2002-05-28 16:02:33 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: TurboCAM ? Autosketch....? jim davies 2002-05-28 20:17:49 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: TurboCAM ? Autosketch....? Chris L 2002-05-29 00:36:38 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: TurboCAM ? Autosketch....?