CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Optoisolation for a modem

Posted by George Potter
on 2000-01-31 22:13:32 UTC

Send me your "snail mail" address, and we'll see if something can't
appear in your mailbox that will help. (I should have some "high end"
lightning protection modules at work .... removed from service .....
that should significantly help).

George Potter
Placerville, California

"Harrison, Doug" wrote:

> From: "Harrison, Doug" <dharrison@...>
> Does anyone know of a good way to protect a modem from spikes on the phone
> line? The Triplite surge protector works once, then the next jolt cooks the
> modem. We went through three modems and a fax machine last year. Bear in
> mind that we almost always unplug the modem after each use. It's those rare
> "almost's" that cause the problem.
> Our power is relatively surge free, probably because we have MOV's on three
> circuit panels and three wall outlets. Haven't blown one of these yet. The
> Triplite phone line protectors are just too expensive to replace as often as
> they go bad here. And they only get the first blast. The modem gets the
> rest.
> We live on a lake, so lightning is a problem. Any suggestions, such as
> optoisolation?
> Doug
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Discussion Thread

Harrison, Doug 2000-01-31 17:58:54 UTC Optoisolation for a modem hansw 2000-01-31 19:07:32 UTC Re: Optoisolation for a modem Bertho Boman 2000-01-31 20:20:00 UTC Re: Optoisolation for a modem George Potter 2000-01-31 22:13:32 UTC Re: Optoisolation for a modem Jon Elson 2000-01-31 22:32:09 UTC Re: Optoisolation for a modem Rich Dean 2000-01-31 23:07:24 UTC Re: Optoisolation for a modem James Eckman 2000-02-01 07:40:24 UTC Re: Optoisolation for a modem Jim Fackert 2000-02-01 09:52:58 UTC Re: Re: Optoisolation for a modem Harrison, Doug 2000-02-01 10:16:57 UTC RE: Re: Optoisolation for a modem Jon Elson 2000-02-01 14:00:35 UTC Re: Re: Optoisolation for a modem Bertho Boman 2000-02-01 14:12:22 UTC Re: Re: Optoisolation for a modem James Eckman 2000-02-01 20:01:25 UTC Re: Re: Optoisolation for a modem Jim Fackert 2000-02-01 20:45:50 UTC Re: Re: Re: Optoisolation for a modem George Potter 2000-02-01 21:43:19 UTC Re: Re: Optoisolation for a modem Jon Elson 2000-02-01 23:52:04 UTC Re: Re: Re: Optoisolation for a modem Jon Elson 2000-02-01 23:58:19 UTC Re: Re: Re: Optoisolation for a modem Frank Pierson 2000-02-02 07:16:01 UTC Re: Optoisolation for a modem James Eckman 2000-02-02 07:30:41 UTC Re: Re: Re: Optoisolation for a modem