CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Transfering to a Dyna Myte (more answer...)

Posted by caudlet
on 2003-04-01 17:12:13 UTC
--- In, "andersmalpass"
<andersmalpass@y...> wrote:
> I can't get this to work; I must be doing something wrong. I have a
> computer with only Cismo edit on it with a small program that I
> made from mastercam and posted it with the correct post on to cimco
> edit. I have configured the DNS settings in Cimco edit so I can use
> the DNS transfer program in there:

I just looked at the Cimco program. It uses DNS (Directory Naming
Services) which is an IP service or NFS which is a Windows
proprietary service for computers to share resources. The Dyna
controller would have to support DNS with an IP address (something
like 192.161.99.XX and both machines would have to be on the same
subnet (first three octents have to match for a class c address) but
different final octents (the XX part) before the machines could even
start to talk. Cimco uses FTP to actually move the files so to the
remote computer and it would have to have an FTP server built into
it. This is NOT simple RS232 communication. IP and FTP as well as
NFS are all do across ethernet networks, not serial ports. If there
is a serial transfer inside Cimco it would not use FTP, DNS or NFS as
the protocol. While XP will network up with other ethernet devices
it has to use either TCP/IP or Netbeui (Windows protocol) to make the
connection. Sounds like the Dyna is an older machine that does not
support any of those protocols.

Discussion Thread

andersmalpass 2003-04-01 16:12:14 UTC Transfering to a Dyna Myte through the RS232 using Cimco Edit caudlet 2003-04-01 16:55:53 UTC Re: Transfering to a Dyna Myte through the RS232 using Cimco Edit caudlet 2003-04-01 17:12:13 UTC Re: Transfering to a Dyna Myte (more answer...) James Wilsom 2003-04-01 18:32:07 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Transfering to a Dyna Myte (more answer...) a M 2003-04-02 22:04:59 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Transfering to a Dyna Myte (more answer...) James Wilsom 2003-04-03 07:35:58 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Transfering to a Dyna Myte (more answer...) Chris Brick 2003-04-03 08:08:44 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Transfering to a Dyna Myte (more answer...) James Wilsom 2003-04-03 15:51:29 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Transfering to a Dyna Myte (more answer...)