CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Newbie

on 2003-04-02 11:26:10 UTC
Hi Tony,

Good comments on SuperCam and DeskCNC.

I am curious about your comment on "DeskCNC combined controller/driver",
I have an old module that uses a PIC; it does not have a driver
w/Xylotex chips. Something new?
DesKAM CNC? OK, new site! I see both "controller board" and driver
boards listed (site under construction, I didn't see a "combined"

Yes, The "controller board" is the same as I have.

I answered my own question! I also see that Fred and Tim are selling

Alan KM6VV

Tony Jeffree wrote:
> At 16:03 01/04/2003 +0000, you wrote:
> >Greetings to all. I'm new to this group. I've been making metal
> >chips manually for some time wiht my south Bend lathe, Sheldon
> >horizontal mill and South Bend shaper...well now I've reached a point
> >where I have a project involving a very complex graphic that I just
> >don't see a way to do without CNC. I'm leaning toward's SuperTech's
> >version of the Taig mill run with SuprCAM...but there's just SO many
> >choices out there I'm rather overwhelmed.
> If you are prepared to take on a bit of D-I-Y, I would recommend you take a
> look at DeskCNC:
> I have used Supercam for some while, with the Taig controller, and am in
> the process of converting to DeskCNC with their serial controller feeding
> into a Xylotex 3-axis driver board, but using the DeskCNC combined
> controller/driver makes life even easier (uses the same driver chips as the
> Xylotex; all you have to do is add a transformer, put it in a box, and ad a
> few switches & sockets).
> Supercam has served me well, but it is limited in some significant
> respects, particularly when it comes to converting drawings into usable
> toolpaths. For example, DXF drawings imported into Supercam have to be
> drawn to allow for the diameter of the cutter you plan to use, as Supercam
> cannot generate cutter offsets itself. It is also DOS-based, and has a very
> clunky user interface. DeskCNC, by way of contrast, is Windows-based, and
> will allow you to generate toolpaths from a DXF file that allow for the
> chosen cutter, and also allow you to "area clear" a pocket (which Supercam
> cannot do). As far as I can tell, DeskCNC will do all that Supercam does,
> and much more besides.
> I would suggest that you download the trial version of DeskCNC and have a
> play before making a final choice.
> The Taig manual mills are very readily converted to CNC; making motor
> mounts for the 3 axes is a simple job on a South Bend, or you can by Taig's
> own mounts and fit them yourself. Don't be tempted to go for motors of less
> than around 200 oz-in though, particularly on the Z axis. You should be
> able to find plenty of size 23 steppers of that torque rating that will be
> drivable by either the DeskCNC or Xylotex boards.
> Regards,
> Tony

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