Main Board The Open-Source schematics and PCB layout can be found here on Github. Antones Brabants' Custom Buildbotics CNC Router Matt Dralle's Buildbotics Jet Mill Retrofit Connecting your CNC to WiFi How to use a Solid State Relay Cutting on a Rotary Axis Randy Savell's 6040 Buildbotics CNC with Huanyang VFD Spindle Homing your CNC Machine CNC Offsets (absolute position vs cutting position) Buildbotics I/O Breakout James B.'s Buildbotics CNC Router Retrofitting the Dyna Myte 2400 with a Buildbotics CNC Controller What’s new in CAMotics v1.1.0? Integrating the PwnCNC Automatic Tool Changer with the Buildbotics Controller The 6040 CNC Router Using an SN04-N Proximity Sensor as a Limit-Switch Dyna Myte 2400 CNC Mill Buildbotics Retrofit