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Re: emc (TOME)

Posted by batwings@x...
on 1999-10-12 11:03:57 UTC
At 06:40 PM 10/12/99 -0700, you wrote:
>I see NOTABLY missing in your solilloquy about the joys of development
>is anything about COMRADERY and COLLABORATING. You say you enjoy not
>being "limited by anyone's concepts but your own". Gee, how come I don't
>see anything written there about how you enjoyed the collaboration of
>developing and exchangine ideas with others, during the development, so
>that when it was done, you could all raise your glasses and 'ave a

I didn't feel any joy of collaboration because I didn't collaborate. That's
nothing to either make a virtue out of nor a failing. You don't understand?
Why am I not surprised?

FWIW, there were a number of times when I had a coding problem and asked in
the right forums for simple and workable solutions. Most times I got much
the same criticism as seems to be rampant here. On one occasion I did try
to work with a genuine programmer and not merely a self-taught, and when I
got the code back it didn't even compile.

As for that matter I don't see any true collaborations here either, just
swapping of hints and files. When someone did ask for a group effort or
presented a suggestion whichever you prefer (about burning chips), he got
the same sort of crits I'm getting.

>Oh sure, you're happy to hang out and suck up whatever insights you
>might gain from us mere proletariates putzing along,

Precious little of that!! But I thought that was what the list was all
about? You even said so yourself that hanging around and taking the pulse
is a good thing, no?

>of us who don't do obeisance to your august majesty as the 'twit-mill",
>but you started out in this group with ONE intention, and that was to
>tell everyone you were some kinda "higher lifeform". Well, buddy, I'm
>still thinkin guano is more like it.

Your stupid assumptions about me just earned a one-way ticket to the
kill-file. Enjoy!!

>to STILL hear more about how someone else suggesting you join means one
>tiny iota of significance or importance to ANYONE else in this group.

The relvance to you or the others is totally irrelevant; the event had that
significance to me. You don't have to accept that to have it be truth.

>answer THAT one first, eh? Even if the list manager himself suggested
>you drop in, I can only think at this point he's more lamenting that,
>than patting himself on the back.

You no more speak for him than you do me. Logic wasn't your strong point in
school, was it? I do wonder why so many folks have had so much trouble with
linux/emc, but in your case that's no mystery.

>souls as to why you would ever even THINK to raise a question about
>"motives for pursuing",

Because ... and I'm trying to put this simply for your benefit ... I
actually wondered about your motives.

>Oooops. Well ya know, I've looked at your web page, and danged if I
>didn't see anything there to suggest I just forget about EMC and follow

Yeah, well since you're going to bit heaven for your attitude you can
imagine how little I'd care to do biz with you.

ttitude showing thru again. You DID
>NOT "just ask", you rather insinuated "why bother". I wasn't the only
>one to pick up on your spin on that.

Ya see, you can prevail in any discussion if you're allowed to interpret
what's said by your own standards. Goodbye forever.

Best wishes,

Hoyt McKagen

Belfab CNC -
Best MC Repair -
Camping/Caving -
May you live in interesting times

Discussion Thread

garfield@x... 1999-10-12 15:51:03 UTC Re: emc (TOME) stratton@x... 1999-10-12 16:21:56 UTC Re: emc (TOME) Jon Anderson 1999-10-12 16:22:58 UTC Re: emc (TOME) batwings@x... 1999-10-12 07:34:53 UTC Re: emc (TOME) batwings@x... 1999-10-12 08:26:55 UTC Re: emc (TOME) garfield@x... 1999-10-12 17:59:55 UTC Re: emc (TOME) garfield@x... 1999-10-12 17:59:57 UTC Re: emc (TOME) mike grady 1999-10-12 18:11:07 UTC Re: emc (TOME) garfield@x... 1999-10-12 18:40:27 UTC Re: emc (TOME) batwings@x... 1999-10-12 11:03:57 UTC Re: emc (TOME) garfield@x... 1999-10-12 22:10:52 UTC Re: emc (TOME) PTENGIN@x... 1999-10-13 01:20:45 UTC Re: emc (TOME) Carlos Guillermo 1999-10-13 04:57:18 UTC RE: emc (TOME) Marshall Pharoah 1999-10-13 04:59:01 UTC Re: emc (TOME) batwings@x... 1999-10-12 20:55:12 UTC RE: emc (TOME) Ray Henry 1999-10-13 07:18:17 UTC Re: emc (TOME) Fred Proctor 1999-10-13 07:33:52 UTC Re: emc (TOME) Jon Anderson 1999-10-13 07:59:47 UTC Re: emc (TOME) Jon Anderson 1999-10-13 08:42:05 UTC Re: emc (TOME) batwings@x... 1999-10-13 02:06:23 UTC Re: emc (TOME) Jon Anderson 1999-10-13 12:35:07 UTC Re: emc (TOME) PTENGIN@x... 1999-10-13 14:48:56 UTC Re: emc (TOME) batwings@x... 1999-10-13 06:17:42 UTC Re: emc (TOME) garfield@x... 1999-10-13 17:04:22 UTC Re: emc (TOME) Darrell Gehlsen 1999-10-13 17:18:00 UTC Re: emc (TOME) Jon Anderson 1999-10-13 17:35:47 UTC Re: emc (TOME)