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Re: emc (TOME)

Posted by garfield@x...
on 1999-10-12 18:40:27 UTC
On Tue, 12 Oct 1999 07:34:53, batwings@... wrote:

>>this "Linux...why bother" thread yous guys started. In EACH case, the
>>proponents seem to be someone who's announced themselves as having
>>products to sell or plans thereof.
>That's a bit of a rash generalization and quite an exaggeration. For one
>thing I didn't say anything like that, just a question on why. And as for
>products to sell, I sure see others in here with those, who support linux
>and emc. Our friend Darrell is one, no? So if commercialism is the
>objection, you need to paint with a much broader brush.

Ya know, I think you might have your batwings a bit askew on this one.
"commercialization" isn't the issue, methinks. It's "collaboration". In
your response to Jon's post, you acknowledge the satisfaction that one
gets from the "development process", if I may be allowed the
generalization, albeit perhaps "rash". Heh. But ya know what? One thing
I see NOTABLY missing in your solilloquy about the joys of development
is anything about COMRADERY and COLLABORATING. You say you enjoy not
being "limited by anyone's concepts but your own". Gee, how come I don't
see anything written there about how you enjoyed the collaboration of
developing and exchangine ideas with others, during the development, so
that when it was done, you could all raise your glasses and 'ave a
pint'. Not your cupOtea, I wager. No surprise.

Oh sure, you're happy to hang out and suck up whatever insights you
might gain from us mere proletariates putzing along, and refer to those
of us who don't do obeisance to your august majesty as the 'twit-mill",
but you started out in this group with ONE intention, and that was to
tell everyone you were some kinda "higher lifeform". Well, buddy, I'm
still thinkin guano is more like it.

>I hadthat invite in inmbx over two months ago, and by any standard my
>joining a few days ago that wasn't jumping right in on financial

Again, you're the one lumping motives and assumptions together. I don't
give a whit if you joined for financial opportunity or not. That much
I'm afraid is becoming perfectly clear. But this "invite" I'd sure like
to STILL hear more about how someone else suggesting you join means one
tiny iota of significance or importance to ANYONE else in this group. So
answer THAT one first, eh? Even if the list manager himself suggested
you drop in, I can only think at this point he's more lamenting that,
than patting himself on the back.

>You do have to admit the setting up linux/emc seems to be
>difficult and tedious and a question about the motives for pursuing that is
>a natural one.

I think this one sentence speaks tomes about YOU/your odd mindset. You
somehow equate difficulty of an endeavor with "questions about motives
for pursuing the course". How in the hell do you possibly arrive at THAT
connection. You've stated it now at least two-three times, verbatim; I
don't get it. And I suspect you've left everyone else in the lurch as
well, Sherlock. Why don't you just enlighten the rest of us benighted
souls as to why you would ever even THINK to raise a question about
"motives for pursuing", unless you figure we're all so damn lazy that
we'd blanch at the first sign of difficulties, and run to some "savior"
vendor who's gonna make it all nice and comfy for us. Unless you of
course wished to draw a not-so-covert comparison between your own wares
and EMC? Heh.

>I managed to straightforwardly install all my hardware and software, made
>all connections, booted and ran. I was making chips within ten minutes of
>my first power-up. That was my main objective and it was simple to achieve.
>If anyone has ever done that with emc and linux I'd like to hear about it.
>And certainly if that's not likely nobody can be blamed for seeking or
>mentioning alternatives.

Oooops. Well ya know, I've looked at your web page, and danged if I
didn't see anything there to suggest I just forget about EMC and follow
after you. Maybe you don't have all the special salza you imagine is
just so patently obvious to everyone. Could that be?

>>time someone tells me they "participate in a number of forums and always
>>offer best advice", I wonder if that fellow doesn't have a rather
>>enlarged view of himself.
>Yes well when someone questions what a fellow does elsewhere, who has no
>idea what that really is, I always wonder if that fellow isn't merely
>hypercritical. And when I join a list and get flames from several folks on
>posting my very first question, I do wonder about their purposes: whether
>all that is to share info as you claim is the object, or to deal in

We have a saying in aviation; "check yer six". I'd humbly suggest that
the reception you received is almost totally due to the source. In this
case, the "six" is the exhaust you leave behind you.

>No but it does give reason for you to not wonder about my ulterior motives.
>I'll add to that that no matter whether you accept that or not, your
>sarcasm is based on false assumption and is flames itself.

Rubbish, YOU mentioned the vaunted "invitation". I merely said "so
what?". In fact, when someone flashes their Photoshop Deluxe made
"invitation" in my face at the entrance to an otherwise come-as-you-are
party, the first this I wonder IS "ulterior motives". If you weren't so
unsure of your being just one of the guys on this list, and content with
that, why the hell would you flaunt some phantom "special invitation".
Whatja get, something in a cereal box that mentioned this list? Heh.

>Not to knock linux of which I know nothing, but that's true of any
>programming environment with open source. But I think you're heading off
>into the grandiose, no?

Well well, you at least admit you know nuthing about Linux. Good start;
just a tad late. Listening for a while to the tenor of the group might
have been another good start.

If you're such a down2earth kinda guy, and feel my statements are
"grandiose" perhaps you'd like to mention just ONE other open
programming environment where both the OpSys, the RT Kernel, AND the CAM
software are ALL available in source. I'll be waiting here for your
"down2earth" reply, ace. Take your time.

>My visions led me in entirely different direction. Have you no alternative

Not when I see your kinda personalized ballsNchains written all over
them. That's no vision, that's a nightmare. It's yours. Enjoy. You're
dead right, I'm heading in another direction, largely away from bloated
egos like yourself.

>... I didn't, you know, just asked what made the agony worthwhile.
>>it and start some thread on what YOU think is so much more important.
>Yeah, not to stir the pot but when I asked a question about linux someone
>told me to start my own I-LPT ML. And I let it pass. Why don't you do the
>same? <=read that again, please.

Nope, see that's your snot-nosed attitude showing thru again. You DID
NOT "just ask", you rather insinuated "why bother". I wasn't the only
one to pick up on your spin on that. I've read it several times. It took
me a few times thru the arrogance to decide to even bother to respond to
your "guano".

Sayonara, sucker.


Discussion Thread

garfield@x... 1999-10-12 15:51:03 UTC Re: emc (TOME) stratton@x... 1999-10-12 16:21:56 UTC Re: emc (TOME) Jon Anderson 1999-10-12 16:22:58 UTC Re: emc (TOME) batwings@x... 1999-10-12 07:34:53 UTC Re: emc (TOME) batwings@x... 1999-10-12 08:26:55 UTC Re: emc (TOME) garfield@x... 1999-10-12 17:59:55 UTC Re: emc (TOME) garfield@x... 1999-10-12 17:59:57 UTC Re: emc (TOME) mike grady 1999-10-12 18:11:07 UTC Re: emc (TOME) garfield@x... 1999-10-12 18:40:27 UTC Re: emc (TOME) batwings@x... 1999-10-12 11:03:57 UTC Re: emc (TOME) garfield@x... 1999-10-12 22:10:52 UTC Re: emc (TOME) PTENGIN@x... 1999-10-13 01:20:45 UTC Re: emc (TOME) Carlos Guillermo 1999-10-13 04:57:18 UTC RE: emc (TOME) Marshall Pharoah 1999-10-13 04:59:01 UTC Re: emc (TOME) batwings@x... 1999-10-12 20:55:12 UTC RE: emc (TOME) Ray Henry 1999-10-13 07:18:17 UTC Re: emc (TOME) Fred Proctor 1999-10-13 07:33:52 UTC Re: emc (TOME) Jon Anderson 1999-10-13 07:59:47 UTC Re: emc (TOME) Jon Anderson 1999-10-13 08:42:05 UTC Re: emc (TOME) batwings@x... 1999-10-13 02:06:23 UTC Re: emc (TOME) Jon Anderson 1999-10-13 12:35:07 UTC Re: emc (TOME) PTENGIN@x... 1999-10-13 14:48:56 UTC Re: emc (TOME) batwings@x... 1999-10-13 06:17:42 UTC Re: emc (TOME) garfield@x... 1999-10-13 17:04:22 UTC Re: emc (TOME) Darrell Gehlsen 1999-10-13 17:18:00 UTC Re: emc (TOME) Jon Anderson 1999-10-13 17:35:47 UTC Re: emc (TOME)