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Re: emc (TOME)

Posted by batwings@x...
on 1999-10-13 02:06:23 UTC
At 08:42 AM 10/13/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Mill Linear
>Drill Holes

Much nice menu description snipped ... Having run Analam and Proto I
naturally did much the same thing too. I made mine all text entry though so
didn't have to support graphics, what a nightmare. That's a lot more
natural an interface than just cranking in code at the panel like early
Bridgeports. The idea of using the computer to do the interface as well as
motor-punching was a big leap in CNC.

>New routines when added, could simply be compiled into the program,
>adding a menu choice or perhaps altering it slightly.

Exactly. So nice to meet someone who understands. I'm beginning to think I
did the right things after all.

>Once questions have been answered, there is a soft menu selection that
>saves this routine into the main program. You also need a menu selection
>to allow editing of the parameters that have been entered.

A slight alternative to that is have the CPU generate all the individual
code elements. The code is written to temp file, <=and here you can do
reviews and changes or use the data to plot graphics if you're a martyr)
then in real time sent to machine line by line and echoed to the final job
file as it ran. The temp file pointer can be tweaked if needed by the same
routines that handle all other file-runback manipulation (pause, step,
break, block retrace or emergency tool).

That way simpler CPUs can run the file directly. An example is supporting
helical motion by breaking it up into arcs and downsteps. That way you can
run helical on any 3-axis.

>If this could be integrated directly into EMC that would be fantastic.

What UI does it have now?

>I was asking for a standalone program that could be used by anyone with
>a PC for generating -basic- G-codes for any mill (or lathe).

Well I'm probably going to get jumped for saying it, but the G-code ver of
my software does exactly that. It doesn't do all the things the controller
ver does, but it has lathe routines, drilling patterns and some milling.
You want demo of it? <=You have to promise to report bugs if you find them.

Best wishes,

Hoyt McKagen

Belfab CNC -
Best MC Repair -
Camping/Caving -
If assholes could fly, this place would look like an airport !!

Discussion Thread

garfield@x... 1999-10-12 15:51:03 UTC Re: emc (TOME) stratton@x... 1999-10-12 16:21:56 UTC Re: emc (TOME) Jon Anderson 1999-10-12 16:22:58 UTC Re: emc (TOME) batwings@x... 1999-10-12 07:34:53 UTC Re: emc (TOME) batwings@x... 1999-10-12 08:26:55 UTC Re: emc (TOME) garfield@x... 1999-10-12 17:59:55 UTC Re: emc (TOME) garfield@x... 1999-10-12 17:59:57 UTC Re: emc (TOME) mike grady 1999-10-12 18:11:07 UTC Re: emc (TOME) garfield@x... 1999-10-12 18:40:27 UTC Re: emc (TOME) batwings@x... 1999-10-12 11:03:57 UTC Re: emc (TOME) garfield@x... 1999-10-12 22:10:52 UTC Re: emc (TOME) PTENGIN@x... 1999-10-13 01:20:45 UTC Re: emc (TOME) Carlos Guillermo 1999-10-13 04:57:18 UTC RE: emc (TOME) Marshall Pharoah 1999-10-13 04:59:01 UTC Re: emc (TOME) batwings@x... 1999-10-12 20:55:12 UTC RE: emc (TOME) Ray Henry 1999-10-13 07:18:17 UTC Re: emc (TOME) Fred Proctor 1999-10-13 07:33:52 UTC Re: emc (TOME) Jon Anderson 1999-10-13 07:59:47 UTC Re: emc (TOME) Jon Anderson 1999-10-13 08:42:05 UTC Re: emc (TOME) batwings@x... 1999-10-13 02:06:23 UTC Re: emc (TOME) Jon Anderson 1999-10-13 12:35:07 UTC Re: emc (TOME) PTENGIN@x... 1999-10-13 14:48:56 UTC Re: emc (TOME) batwings@x... 1999-10-13 06:17:42 UTC Re: emc (TOME) garfield@x... 1999-10-13 17:04:22 UTC Re: emc (TOME) Darrell Gehlsen 1999-10-13 17:18:00 UTC Re: emc (TOME) Jon Anderson 1999-10-13 17:35:47 UTC Re: emc (TOME)