James B.'s Buildbotics CNC Router Doug's DIY Buildbotics CNC Router The 6040 CNC Router Buildbotics + CAMotics at Maker Faire 2017 Homing your CNC Machine Antones Brabants' Custom Buildbotics CNC Router How to use a Solid State Relay How to Wire Stepper Motors Integrating the PwnCNC Automatic Tool Changer with the Buildbotics Controller You can build a CNC but can you explain it? The OX CNC Router Powered by the Buildbotics Controller Randy Savell's 6040 Buildbotics CNC with Huanyang VFD Spindle How to use a VFD spindle driver Connecting a Huanyang VFD Dyna Myte 2400 CNC Mill Buildbotics Retrofit Cutting on a Rotary Axis What’s new in CAMotics v1.1.0?