Main Board The Open-Source schematics and PCB layout can be found here on Github. Randy Savell's 6040 Buildbotics CNC with Huanyang VFD Spindle Doug's DIY Buildbotics CNC Router How to use a VFD spindle driver Homing your CNC Machine Rock-solid, Open-Source CNC Controller Retrofitting the Dyna Myte 2400 with a Buildbotics CNC Controller How to use a Solid State Relay You can build a CNC but can you explain it? Connecting your CNC to WiFi Connecting a Huanyang VFD First Impressions of Oxlasers 3.5 watt 450nm diode laser Buildbotics + CAMotics at Maker Faire 2017 Turning 2D DXF files into GCode The Taig CNC Mill Powered by Buildbotics Mike Rabin's Buildbotics Powered CNC Router Cutting on a Rotary Axis