CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re:Bobcad 17 Review

Posted by Smoke
on 2000-12-04 06:28:00 UTC
Fred, is a trial version of VectorCAD available?

-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Smith <imserv@...>
To: <>
Date: Monday, December 04, 2000 4:40 AM
Subject: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re:Bobcad 17 Review

> Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 11:44:18 -0800
> From: Mike <mnels@...>
>Subject: Bobcad 17 Review
>>I've recently completed my first significant project in Bobcad 17.0 and
>>have to say it's a decent little package. For those of you considering
>>buying a modestly priced CAD package, and you need G-code, it might be
>>worth a look. Here's a review from a CAM novice's viewpoint......
>Mike - Bobcad 17.0 costs $795-$995 Bobcad has been selling it since
November of 1999 with an option to include free upgrade to Version 18 which
has yet to ship, even though it was promised in Spring 2000. This sale is
usually conditioned with the caveat that you get the free upgrade IF it is
released within the next 3 months.
>Bobcad's support hours are from 9-4 Eastern time & if you call them,
usually they will hook you up to an answering machine/voice mail. At one
time within the last 2 years the message even said that if you left a
message after hours that they would automatically delete it, if you didn't
get a message that the voice mail was full. They have no user forum even
though their web site clearly says that it will be up by March of last year?
If they have any support personnel on staff, it is usually the salesmen.
Their sales people generally have no knowledge of machining and once they
get you installed cannot really help you with applications problems, not
knowing the difference between a router bit & a drill.
>I noticed that in your review you didn't say what machine you used with
Bobcad 17 to make your project, nor what the project was. In fact it
sounded a bit like their advertising information and not much like a review.
There are several documented bugs in Bobcad 17 which have never been fixed.
I would be glad to discuss these with you at length. Start with the ability
to trim a circle greater than 180 degrees and for another example, draw a
teardrop approach inside a circle.
>Rather than Bobcad, I would suggest that those considering buying a
modestly priced Cad package consider Vector Cad. Is IS relatively
inexpensive, normally $495 but through the end of the year $250. There is a
full working demo on our web site at or
>Vector has only a single undo, but it has a full function repeat, in that
it pops up the dialog for the last command executed so that you can fill in
the blanks or accept the repeating parameters, contrast this to Bobcad's
redo which is the best way known to man to create duplicate entities in a
CAD drawing. In Vector, Right click for most often used functions, there is
a special NC toolbar for machining functions, like offset, connect, connect
at Z, pocketing, generate NC. All entities in Vector can be MODIFIED.
Double click on any line, arc, point, or text to change its location,
beginning or ending points or angles. Drag entities around on the screen,
complete control over snap points, limited Grid drawing capabilities.
Select from a wide variety of dimensioning styles, including arrowhead size
and shape. Change text without having to delete and replace, override
dimensional values to enter Inch and Metric values in the same drawing.
Automatic conversion from Inch to Metr
>In short Vector CAD runs circles around Bobcad and they should not really
be in the same price class as Vector is really competitive with programs
costing much more. For more information about the differences between
Bobcad and Vector please see the link on our Vector page called Why Vector?
It lists 25 advantages that Vector has over Bobcad.
>P.S. We offer Cross grades from competitive products for just $300 for the
Full Vector Cad-Cam system.
>Best Regards, Fred Smith- IMService
>Listserve Special discounts and offers are at:
>imserv@... Voice:248-486-3600 or 800-386-1670 Fax: 248-486-3698
>Welcome to CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO@...,an unmoderated list for the
discussion of shop built systems, for CAD, CAM, EDM, and DRO.
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>List owner:, wanliker@...
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