CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Re: EMC steps/rev calibration-SOLVED

Posted by Ray Henry
on 2002-06-04 07:44:06 UTC

Would you describe which persistent processes you know are left in there and
what the evidence of them hanging around is?

Are you shutting down the emc by using one of the buttons or menus in the gui
itself rather than killing a terminal that you started it in! When you shut
down the EMC the proper way, the terminal script keeps working and tries to
remove a bunch of semaphores, modules, and such. I am in sympathy here
because I have seen stuff left around here when I am developing and make a
mess of things.

If this is a BDI 2+ and if your problem is mbuff, reboot fixes it. Or you
might go into /usr/src/rtlinux/drivers/mbuff, start a terminal and issue the
command make. After a bit it will tell you to issue the command make test.
This done there will be several new executables in that directory. Now you
can issue the command

./mbuff_dealloc emcmotStruct

If you get the answer open failed then it is not mbuff that is hanging
around. If it says "emcmotStruct shared memory area was 667* bytes long"
then you know you have accomplished something. Repeat the command until it
reports that the area was 0 bytes long and then issue the command

/sbin/rmmod mbuff

/sbin/lsmod will list the modules that have been left around.

> I've put a lot of work into getting EMC running.  I hope doesn't turn
> out to be so flakey it's not useable.

Me too! <g> There seem to be a lot of others making parts with it.


On Tuesday 04 June 2002 02:58, you wrote:
> Message: 12
>    Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2002 00:23:06 -0000
>    From: "nahydro" <r_fl_z@...>
> Subject: Re: EMC steps/rev calibration-SOLVED
> My pleasure:
> also useful
> While I have now properly set my INPUT_SCALE value, I am still
> fighting this slow down by persistent processes. I've seen several
> posts from others with the same behavior.
> I've put a lot of work into getting EMC running.  I hope doesn't turn
> out to be so flakey it's not useable.
> r

Discussion Thread

nahydro 2002-05-31 02:15:31 UTC EMC steps/rev calibration Alan Marconett KM6VV 2002-05-31 10:35:09 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] EMC steps/rev calibration nahydro 2002-05-31 10:47:52 UTC Re: EMC steps/rev calibration andyolney 2002-05-31 12:08:06 UTC Re: EMC steps/rev calibration Alan Marconett KM6VV 2002-05-31 12:41:46 UTC Re: EMC steps/rev calibration nahydro 2002-06-01 00:14:18 UTC Re: EMC steps/rev calibration stephen_stallings 2002-06-01 06:37:32 UTC Re: EMC steps/rev calibration Dan Mauch 2002-06-01 06:44:15 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: EMC steps/rev calibration Ray Henry 2002-06-01 08:02:37 UTC Re: Re: EMC steps/rev calibration Tim Goldstein 2002-06-01 10:32:44 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] EMC steps/rev calibration nahydro 2002-06-01 11:35:06 UTC Re: EMC steps/rev calibration nahydro 2002-06-01 11:40:54 UTC Re: EMC steps/rev calibration Alan Marconett KM6VV 2002-06-01 12:11:10 UTC Re: EMC steps/rev calibration Ray Henry 2002-06-01 12:55:07 UTC Re: Re: EMC steps/rev calibration nahydro 2002-06-03 11:01:25 UTC EMC steps/rev calibration-SOLVED studleylee 2002-06-03 16:05:24 UTC Re: EMC steps/rev calibration-SOLVED nahydro 2002-06-03 17:23:10 UTC Re: EMC steps/rev calibration-SOLVED Ray Henry 2002-06-04 07:44:06 UTC Re: Re: EMC steps/rev calibration-SOLVED nahydro 2002-06-04 17:39:39 UTC Re: EMC steps/rev calibration-SOLVED William Scalione 2002-06-04 22:19:00 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: EMC steps/rev calibration-SOLVED