Re: Gcode standards (Was: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?)
Posted by
on 2004-11-02 07:02:47 UTC
--- In, "Fred Smith" <imserv@v...>
their time is worth. I suspose for the Hobby person that is doing
this for the "experience" then learning the simplistic g-code might
be interesting. We continue to see guys that will spend hundreds of
hours building/writing code/etc to save 100 bucks. All of this made
sense several years ago when good CAD and CAM software cost thousands
of dollars. Now it has to be another reason because there are too
many low cost solutions.
My personal opinion is that writing g-code to do modern CNC is like
being forced to learn how to operate a stick shift to learn to drive
an auto. How can you possibly understand how a car works if you
don't have a clutch and gearshift? (;o
I learned g-code in the late 70's but I also built my own S-100 buss
computer and wrote my own business programs in a verson of basic.
Now I buy the programs that I need or write them in a 4th generation
language. I don't miss spending hours with a drawing and calculator
writing code.
There is a perception that this hobby (remember this forum is about
building your own CNC hobby equipment) is only of interest to
machinists. There are a lot of us that come from other walks of life
and we don't want to know how to build a watch, just what time it is.
I have found working with some commercial shops, that they don't need
to learn g-code; they need to learn how to use a computer! If they
don't get updated and able to run modern software their more savy
competitors will put them out of business.
I laud the people that want to do things the old way and their time
is their's to spend, but I think new entrants into this hobby need to
be aware that you don't have to slog around in g-code (and all of its
machine specific varients) to make parts. There are a LOT of things
to learn about building your own CNC machine even WITH the modern
hardware and software solutions that guys like you have helped
That's my story and I'm stick'n to it!!
> --- In, Chuck Rice <Chuck@W...>
> > At 1:11 PM -0800 11/1/04, Chris DeHut wrote:Fred, I think different people have different conceptions of what
> If you have written a G-code program over 30-40 lines, you are
> wasting time that could be better spent designing parts, planning
> process and making chips. DXF converters are free and cad-cam
> programs are very inexpensive.
their time is worth. I suspose for the Hobby person that is doing
this for the "experience" then learning the simplistic g-code might
be interesting. We continue to see guys that will spend hundreds of
hours building/writing code/etc to save 100 bucks. All of this made
sense several years ago when good CAD and CAM software cost thousands
of dollars. Now it has to be another reason because there are too
many low cost solutions.
My personal opinion is that writing g-code to do modern CNC is like
being forced to learn how to operate a stick shift to learn to drive
an auto. How can you possibly understand how a car works if you
don't have a clutch and gearshift? (;o
I learned g-code in the late 70's but I also built my own S-100 buss
computer and wrote my own business programs in a verson of basic.
Now I buy the programs that I need or write them in a 4th generation
language. I don't miss spending hours with a drawing and calculator
writing code.
There is a perception that this hobby (remember this forum is about
building your own CNC hobby equipment) is only of interest to
machinists. There are a lot of us that come from other walks of life
and we don't want to know how to build a watch, just what time it is.
I have found working with some commercial shops, that they don't need
to learn g-code; they need to learn how to use a computer! If they
don't get updated and able to run modern software their more savy
competitors will put them out of business.
I laud the people that want to do things the old way and their time
is their's to spend, but I think new entrants into this hobby need to
be aware that you don't have to slog around in g-code (and all of its
machine specific varients) to make parts. There are a LOT of things
to learn about building your own CNC machine even WITH the modern
hardware and software solutions that guys like you have helped
That's my story and I'm stick'n to it!!
Discussion Thread
2004-10-31 06:50:11 UTC
easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?
R Rogers
2004-10-31 07:04:50 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?
2004-10-31 08:49:17 UTC
Re: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?
Tyson S.
2004-10-31 11:00:16 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?
2004-10-31 12:08:09 UTC
Re: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?
Alan Marconett
2004-10-31 14:20:21 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?
Kim Lux
2004-10-31 14:23:39 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?
Tom Hubin
2004-10-31 15:36:48 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?
Greg Jackson
2004-10-31 18:48:33 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?
Tyson S.
2004-10-31 20:17:11 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?
2004-11-01 06:41:38 UTC
Re: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?
Chuck Rice
2004-11-01 09:50:16 UTC
Gcode standards (Was: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?)
2004-11-01 11:05:27 UTC
Re: Gcode standards (Was: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?)
Chuck Rice
2004-11-01 13:03:19 UTC
[CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Gcode standards (Was: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?)
Chuck Rice
2004-11-01 13:20:16 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Gcode standards (Was: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?)
Raymond Heckert
2004-11-01 17:37:05 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?
Fred Smith
2004-11-02 02:18:24 UTC
Re: Gcode standards (Was: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?)
2004-11-02 05:11:29 UTC
Re: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?
2004-11-02 07:02:47 UTC
Re: Gcode standards (Was: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?)
Chuck Rice
2004-11-02 08:04:17 UTC
[CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Gcode standards (Was: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?)
Fred Smith
2004-11-02 08:55:35 UTC
Re: Gcode standards (Was: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?)
Chuck Rice
2004-11-02 09:19:53 UTC
[CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Gcode standards (Was: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?)
Jon Elson
2004-11-02 10:16:49 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Gcode standards (Was: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?)
R Rogers
2004-11-02 17:44:41 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Gcode standards (Was: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?)
Ron Ginger
2004-11-02 18:38:03 UTC
Re: Gcode standards (Was: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?)
Greg Jackson
2004-11-02 19:45:39 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Gcode standards (Was: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?)
2004-11-02 22:08:22 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Gcode stand_from Mechanical Desktop
Fred Smith
2004-11-03 06:34:54 UTC
Re: Gcode stand_from Mechanical Desktop
Fred Smith
2004-11-03 07:07:21 UTC
Re: Gcode standards (Was: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?)
Chuck Rice
2004-11-03 07:59:50 UTC
[CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Gcode standards (Was: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?)
Steven Ciciora
2004-11-03 08:31:16 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Gcode standards (Was: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?)
2004-11-03 09:02:36 UTC
Re: Gcode standards (Was: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?)
Jon Elson
2004-11-03 09:33:44 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Gcode standards (Was: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?)
2004-11-03 10:23:05 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Gcode standards (Was: easy to learn use cad/cam cnc software?)
Chuck Rice
2004-11-04 17:59:05 UTC
Gcode standards (more info)
Ron Kline
2004-11-04 18:35:29 UTC
Won't do that again -Gecko
Roy J. Tellason
2004-11-04 20:01:44 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Won't do that again -Gecko
R Rogers
2004-11-05 05:13:37 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Gcode standards (more info)