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Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam

Posted by Chris L
on 2002-01-11 18:43:35 UTC
Hey Dale,

The deskNC I know little about other than they had a very similar product
available without the black box quite some time ago. The black box was added
in order to make their windows control better. This tells me that at the very
least, the individual who has done the programming work, has clearly
developed some expertise in the area of a windows controller application and
clearly overcome many issues. I have spoken to them when the first version
came out and they were very hospitable.

As far as FlashCut, Well, let me assure you that if you did not get a reply
from them it would be very unusual. The FlashCut teams strong points have
always been customer interaction AND satisfaction. You might want to try to
re-contact them to make sure your mail was delivered. I know we had a fibre
optic line severed in my area mid December and things are not back to normal

The little black box has a chip in it and a few other things obviously, that
handles "timing functions" related to the pulses necessary to signal your
drivers to move your motors correctly. By using this concept, some of the
burden on the PC's processor is reduced and to my understanding, some of the
difficulty of making the PC chip do "all" is averted.

Across the board, the two products appear very similar. You can read another
posters (Dan) comments based on actual use. He seemed quite happy and has
been involved in this CNC thing for a long time now. FlashCuts primary
product is their PC controller and corresponding hardware. They spend all of
their time supporting current customers and listening to new ideas. My
feeling on this is they are not trying to accomplish too many things.

By now, most know that FlashCut has been working on a new version. Those
little items that they just could not include at the 16 bit level because of
base code limitations will indeed be addressed I'm sure. One of those items
has always been tool radius compensation. For some, it was never a big issue.
For those who were really used to using it, it was a "must have" situation.
It's maximum speed capabilities were probably the next issue and I am sure
that those issues are addressed.

To make a decision as to which one is "best", would be best left up to an
un-biased individual that has used both. Un-Biased means someone who does not
have an axe to grind, and also an individual who truly understands and "fine
tunes" a system to run at its best. Correct gearing, friction in the system,
and plain old controller "settings" can have a lot to do with how things work

One issue to compare would be the "Continuous Contouring" functions that both
have, which become so important to a flatbed machine. Believe me when I say
that it is Very Important ! I did notice too, that DeskWinNc needs the very
same machine gear ratios on your X and Y. So, Be aware of that. FlashCut
allows any ratio to be entered in any axis. Other than that, I know of know
concerns. Possibly Dan could tell us more about the Contouring compared to
other methods he has used. Caution should be exercised too when individuals
comment on Contouring features, in that they, the benefits of contouring
sometimes really do not show up nearly as important on a Sherline sized
machine, but, do really matter on a larger unit.

I could not tell if DeskWin offers DXF input. This too could be of great use
to you while you are starting out as then you do not have an immediate need
for a G-Code toolpath creation method. FlashCut makes some pretty nice code
from a DXF file ! Try it ! (yes, even in the demo!)

I never had to use FlashCuts DXF import function very often. Just enough for
testing reasons when trying out some new item they added for my company. It
always seemed to import every DXF file I threw at it and some of you know how
inconsistent dxf file transfers and reads can be. As far as adjustments or
"setup" issues, all are really straight forward in FlashCut. I can't think of
any hard to understand part as the full operators manual covers everything.
It is downloadable on their site. A full list of supported commands, and even
operational techniques are listed. All in all, it is a very nice manual,
something often overlooked nowdays when you buy something.

Flashcuts advantages to me has always been support, though I have not really
needed much other than when I was using various drivers that were yet
un-tested for compatability with Their Product. Also their willingness to
consider new ideas and then implement them (if you hang around long enough
you will see that some developers obviously never check out the competitions
techniques), And, well, the program just works very well ! I have retro'd it
to MicroK, Ah-ha, Anahiem, and a few I driver brands I even can't recall.

There is also some satisfaction in recognizing that this is the company who
actually "DID" make a PC based Windows control With Continuous Contouring
when all the Nay-sayers said "It can not be done" and that DOS was the ONLY
way ! They obviously were a bit "advanced" back then. I am sure they have
stayed up with newer issues.

I really look forward to the things that they have on their horizon. The 16
bit version has served many quite well. Sure, it is a little more money,,,,
to some ALOT more. I feel you "get more". With their dedication and
background in windows control, It might just be that they will again pull off
the ultimate 32 bit Windows control. I know they work hard to make sure the
product is bug free before releasing any version to the public. Hopefully all
will go well with the new one.

This is not to take away some of the incredible work going on in this arena
by others. As some of these other offerings mature, I am sure they will
serve many individuals faithfully. I always enjoy hearing about others
experiences with the various controls now available.

Boy, Have things advanced in the last few years !

My 2 cents,

Chris L

aspaguy wrote:

> Hey group experts, I e-mailed this question to flashcut but never
> got an answer. I am in the design/parts requisition stage of building
> a gantry router/plasma table. In my research I have found that both
> flashcut and desknc windows use a signal generator to get around the
> windows clock problem (whatever that is). I downloaded versions of
> each and to this newbie they seem an awful lot alike. The flashcut
> seems to be a bit simpler for initial set up of the machine but for
> half the price I don't mind spending a bit more time on set up. With
> nc you have to purchase the signal generator for 200 to 250 and the
> software is free.(with flashcut,you purchase both as a package). You
> do need to add a cam program such as deskam or another. Also,I
> hav'nt seen the deskam on the database yet. I read somewhere that
> desknc for windows is "kinda clunky" whatever that means. I asked the
> flashcut people to "sell" me on the benefit of the extra expense. As
> I said, there was no response. Could it be that the benefit is either
> small or nonexistant? Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks, Dale
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Discussion Thread

aspaguy 2002-01-10 20:30:06 UTC Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam William Scalione 2002-01-11 06:56:22 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam Dan Mauch 2002-01-11 07:16:12 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam Chris L 2002-01-11 18:43:35 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam ballendo 2002-01-12 04:27:34 UTC Re: Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam Chris L 2002-01-12 14:41:02 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam aspaguy 2002-01-13 15:38:19 UTC Re: Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam Edwin S. Katz 2002-01-13 16:09:54 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam Carol & Jerry Jankura 2002-01-13 17:24:16 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam Art Fenerty 2002-01-13 19:38:08 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam aspaguy 2002-01-13 19:58:04 UTC Re: Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam Chris L 2002-01-13 20:21:09 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam Tim Goldstein 2002-01-13 20:37:32 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Getting started, was:Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam Chris L 2002-01-13 21:14:13 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam Chris L 2002-01-13 21:19:19 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Getting started, was:Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam brianjbland 2002-01-14 07:33:24 UTC Re: Getting started, was:Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam ron ginger 2002-01-14 16:37:44 UTC Re: Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam Chris L 2002-01-14 16:44:01 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Getting started, was:Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam Chris L 2002-01-14 17:38:11 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam Alan Marconett KM6VV 2002-01-14 17:49:29 UTC Re: Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam aspaguy 2002-01-14 19:28:36 UTC Re: Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam Tim Goldstein 2002-01-14 20:13:18 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam aspaguy 2002-01-14 20:22:17 UTC Re: Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam Chris L 2002-01-14 21:23:35 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Getting started, was:Flashcut vs desknc for windows & Deskam