CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Solid modeling/Cam

Posted by Mike Phillips
on 2005-01-28 09:57:09 UTC
For my uses, anything that speeds up the design to fab loop would be
helpful. As a hobbiest, I just want a more efficient operation. Right
now it's

Rhino for design->DXF->import to MyTmill->Fix code by hand->CNC Pro to
machine part.

What a pain. I love Rhino. But RhinoCam is a bit pricey. I even won a
full seat of SolidWorks 2005 as a prize one time. But SolidCAM is real
pricey to add.

So BobCad or equivalent could fill my needs, but severe buginess won't
work for me, especially at $600.

The sales guy Bill just called too. I had not had time to review v19
of Bobcad yet. The $600 sale ends tomorow he tells me.

So what else is out there??


--- In, "Ted Gregorius" <ted@t...> wrote:
> My two cents....
> If you pay more then $300 for Bobcad 19 your getting ripped off.
> I bought 18 and it was junk. I complained on a constant basis and
the GAVE me 19. Version 19 was still junk and now the 19.8 update is
> 19.8 is probably the most stable version but is still very buggy.
> BobCad may be fine for the hobbyist and tinkerer but can not be
considered as an option for anyone trying to make a profit from their
CNC operation.
> Support consists of selling you the NEXT VERSION.
> I do use BobCad to generate some of my CAM but I use Autocad to do
my drawings and import the dxf's into Bobcad.
> Sorry for the rant. I just trying to get the word out that BobCAD
needs to back off on the sales pitch and spend some time fixing the
hundreds of known bugs.
> Ted
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Mike Phillips
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 10:41 AM
> Subject: [Norton AntiSpam] [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Solid modeling/Cam
> I downloaded the v17 version of Bobcad from their site. The sales guy
> calls me and I tell him I'd rather have solids modeling in v19 rather
> than wire frame in v17. He tells me that since Bobcad just released
> v20, that v19 is not $1500, but is now $600. v19 has solids and CAM
> built right in. This all happened last Saturday over the phone. Hope
> it helps.
> I've used Rhine since it was a beta. Very nice. Wish I could justify
> the RhinoCAM's cost. Maybe signing up for a class would help.
> Mike
> --- In, "Will" <nmbmxer@y...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > I am looking for a Cad/Cam program to use on a Shoptask machine, so
> I
> > need both a mill and a lathe module. I was looking into Vector, but
> > after using the demo for a couple days, its not quite what I was
> > looking for. I've had several years of Autocad in college, and I
> find
> > it faster to use when making wireframe 3d models, it just doesnt do
> > cam. I also learned featurecam, so thats what I tend to compare
> > software to, too bad I'll never be able to afford it.
> > Are there any low priced (<$900) cad/cam programs that use
> > solid models instead of wireframes? Or should I just look into
> > getting a Cam program and using AutoCad to generate the surface
> > models?
> > William
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> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Discussion Thread

Will 2005-01-19 07:25:46 UTC Solid modeling/Cam R Rogers 2005-01-19 07:41:00 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Solid modeling/Cam Stephen Wille Padnos 2005-01-19 08:13:15 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Solid modeling/Cam Robert Campbell 2005-01-19 08:15:10 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Solid modeling/Cam Will 2005-01-19 10:42:47 UTC Re: Solid modeling/Cam Pete Brown (YahooGroups) 2005-01-19 18:30:23 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Solid modeling/Cam Will 2005-01-20 13:03:50 UTC Re: Solid modeling/Cam Robert Campbell 2005-01-20 13:34:39 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Solid modeling/Cam Mike Phillips 2005-01-27 07:42:19 UTC Re: Solid modeling/Cam Ted Gregorius 2005-01-27 07:59:28 UTC Re: Solid modeling/Cam R Rogers 2005-01-27 09:32:54 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Solid modeling/Cam (no author) 2005-01-27 10:00:07 UTC Re: Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Solid modeling/Cam R Rogers 2005-01-27 10:33:16 UTC Re: Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Solid modeling/Cam Rob Polley 2005-01-27 12:19:30 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Solid modeling/Cam cnc_4_me 2005-01-27 13:00:53 UTC Re: Solid modeling/Cam Mike Phillips 2005-01-28 09:57:09 UTC Re: Solid modeling/Cam Fred Smith 2005-01-28 10:06:20 UTC Re: Solid modeling/Cam metlmunchr 2005-01-28 11:13:31 UTC Re: Solid modeling/Cam Alan Marconett 2005-01-28 12:24:30 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Solid modeling/Cam R Rogers 2005-01-28 16:01:46 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Solid modeling/Cam Raymond Heckert 2005-01-29 18:51:27 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Solid modeling/Cam braidmeister 2005-01-29 19:06:50 UTC Re: Solid modeling/Cam Fred Smith 2005-01-31 06:10:54 UTC Re: Solid modeling/Cam braidmeister 2005-01-31 07:28:35 UTC Re: Solid modeling/Cam Jeff Jones 2005-01-31 08:51:47 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Solid modeling/Cam Fred Smith 2005-01-31 09:26:02 UTC Re: Solid modeling/Cam Fred Smith 2005-01-31 09:42:01 UTC Re: Solid modeling/Cam R Rogers 2005-01-31 10:03:58 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Solid modeling/Cam braidmeister 2005-01-31 10:09:55 UTC Re: Solid modeling/Cam Fred Smith 2005-01-31 13:15:13 UTC Re: Solid modeling/Cam Pete Brown (YahooGroups) 2005-01-31 13:19:55 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Solid modeling/Cam