CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Survey Please read

Posted by hansw
on 2000-01-28 06:53:50 UTC
Thanks for the info. there is much to reply to here. between text

Ian Wright wrote:
> From: "Ian Wright" <Ian@...>
> Thanks Hans,
> I have a copy of Partition Magic which I use occasionally but I so rarely
> have to mess about with partitions that it gets little use. I looked at this
> product and it certainly seems very good though I don't think I need it just
> now. One thing which impressed me with the linux installer on RedHat was the
> way it automatically repartitioned and formatted my hard disk itself.

Windows NT does that, except it does give the user a choice.

> I already had windows 95 loaded and linux just set itself up on newly created
> partitions without messing anything up. That was RH5.2 whose installation
> program looks positively archaic compared to the latest version - I've had
> the new one loaded and running (RH6.1) but I've had to slip back to RH5.2

This is no criticism, but you nailed it. I don't want the hassle of all
of this,
I know Windows well enough the do everything I need, form writing the
device drivers
through to high level programs. For my CNC part, I like the FlashCut
idea, but think they made it
out of reach for the hobbyist, so I'll just do my own version. Pity the
people doing EMC did not think of that instead of
fixing themselves to a OS because of the need to "apparent" more
accurate timing.

It would be neat to see some actual figure on this constant claim for
accurate timing, I remain unconvinced.
This is not a flame for any EMC nut to jump on, it's a statement of
I don't believe something just because someone told me they think it's
needed. And if it's government funded I believe it even less, remember
all that scare about electromagnetic radiation from power lines.... Well
a couple of months ago the guy that has been doing the "research" was
debunked, from the new cip I heard ( that;'s all one gets here i the
USA) he was making up the "data"..... That was government money also...

That does not mean to say the same thing is happening here, there are
needs for stadnards, but I'm not so sure it needs to be funded by tax
payer money. They tried stuff like that in other countries and called it
something else...

> as I couldn't get the EMC to run on 6.1 - now I'm missing some of the extra
> facilities that 6.1 gives!! Like you, I have been messing with computers for
> a long while ( I built my first one from a kit in 1967/8 - hundreds of
> separate 74* series ICs and discrete components, 1K of RAM upgraded
> eventually to 8K and storage on a tape recorder - them were the days!)

I think you mean 76/78 If I'm correct the 72 series did not exist in 67,
I'm a little bit into history of this stuf, like you I lived it. My
first unit was a AMI65 which was about 1981-84 I thnk it was in 1983-4 I
got the Bill Gates "Basic Interrpreter ROM" for it.

> Since then its been a constant battle trying to keep up to date and to say that,

Well I can;t get enough, currenlty I'm starting another USB device
driver project, and will lookkinot 1394 ( Fire Wire) after that.

> for the last 30 years I have had almost daily contact with one form of
> computer or other from mainframes to building control systems, I still seem
> to know very little. I suppose that this is because I was never very
> involved with programming, except on the building control stuff. However,
> when I first loaded linux it was like going back 20 years and trying to
> remember how to work in an early version of DOS, it terrified me - that was
> until I discovered KDE which immediately brought me back to a system I could
> recognise and operate in almost the same way as windows 95 - it even looks
> the same. Now, having found a combination which suits me, I am anxious to
> play around more with it and the more I do so,

Programming take a lot of time, I'm using MS VC++ and although I was
doing straight C and Assembly for years, the C++
has really taken hold, and what used to be a love/hate thing is fast
becoming a "I love this C++"

> the more I like it. Its so
> refreshing to have a system which seems very difficult to break and where,
> if I do mess something up as I did earlier today, I can always get back in
> and correct things without finding that the problem is in a corrupted .dll
> or something which needs a complete reload. This is because linux is almost
> all based on script files - like the windows .ini files

Just like the much misunderstood Windows Registry. It's far better to
have the registry and keep it organized that way. I expect
I'm on of the few that appreciates it.

> - which can be
> altered in any basic text editor and I am now gradually beginning to
> understand how the main ones of these work and gaining confidence in
> altering them to suit my own particular purposes - something I could not
> possibly do in windows. The fact that they are also very well documented
> within the script with each stage having its own description immediately
> before the 'action' line helps greatly in understanding.

Just like the registry...

> I hope you do
> decide to try linux again and give it another chance as, if I have read your
> character correctly, I think you would soon grow comfortable with it.

After all of this I perhap will try loading that RH5.2 that I got with a
book for $5 and a second hand book store...
But it will be on a straight single CPU system. I have not heard of
Linux doing mutli CPU's.

> best wishes,
> Ian
> --
> Ian W. Wright
> Sheffield UK

Hans Wedemeyer
Ex. Norwich UK for me, Yes even with a name like that! Now Houston Texas
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: hansw <hansw@...>
> To: <>
> Sent: 27 January 2000 17:59
> Subject: Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO]Survey Please read
> > From: hansw <hansw@...>
> >
> > Ian,
> > I just read a little about the Partitioning Software System Commander
> > are now selling and it does a lot of things and you get a copy of System
> > Commander as well $39.95 I expect street prices are a lot less.
> > hansw
> > PS again I do not have anything to do with this company, they just do a
> > great utility.
> >
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Discussion Thread

hansw 2000-01-26 08:32:51 UTC Re: Survey Please read Darrell 2000-01-26 13:04:43 UTC Re: Survey Please read hansw 2000-01-26 13:37:55 UTC Re: Survey Please read Harrison, Doug 2000-01-26 16:47:46 UTC RE: Survey Please read Steve Carlisle 2000-01-26 18:09:25 UTC Re: Survey Please read Steve Carlisle 2000-01-26 18:12:58 UTC Re: Survey Please read Marshall Pharoah 2000-01-26 16:54:45 UTC Re: Survey Please read Ted Robbins 2000-01-26 17:36:17 UTC Re: Survey Please read Ted Robbins 2000-01-26 17:45:08 UTC Re: Survey Please read hansw 2000-01-26 19:05:31 UTC Re: Survey Please read Karl Klemm 2000-01-26 19:16:20 UTC Re: Survey Please read Steve Carlisle 2000-01-26 19:53:15 UTC Re: Survey Please read Ian Wright 2000-01-27 07:15:02 UTC Re: Survey Please read hansw 2000-01-27 09:40:26 UTC Re: Survey Please read hansw 2000-01-27 09:59:55 UTC Re: Survey Please read Marshall Pharoah 2000-01-27 12:14:45 UTC Re: Survey Please read paul@A... 2000-01-27 12:14:45 UTC Re: Survey Please read hansw 2000-01-27 12:33:01 UTC Re: Survey Please read paul@A... 2000-01-27 12:33:01 UTC Re: Survey Please read Marshall Pharoah 2000-01-27 12:49:06 UTC Re: Survey Please read hansw 2000-01-27 13:03:27 UTC Re: Survey Please read Marshall Pharoah 2000-01-27 18:13:23 UTC Re: Survey Please read hansw 2000-01-27 18:50:04 UTC Re: Survey Please read Karl Klemm 2000-01-27 18:53:43 UTC Re: Survey Please read Ward M. 2000-01-27 20:09:32 UTC Re: Survey Please read Jon Elson 2000-01-27 22:49:01 UTC Re: Survey Please read hansw 2000-01-27 23:12:20 UTC Re: Survey Please read Craig C Chamberlin 2000-01-27 23:39:24 UTC Re: Survey Please read Ian Wright 2000-01-27 15:02:21 UTC Re: Survey Please read hansw 2000-01-28 06:53:50 UTC Re: Survey Please read Ron Ginger 2000-01-30 18:21:43 UTC Re: Re: Survey Please read Matt Shaver 2000-01-31 00:45:09 UTC Re: Survey Please read